Proposal Description: On land adjacent to Drakes Bottom Uplands Road (Dirty Lane), Denmead, PO7 4QT construction of 2no cabins for Tourist accommodation with associated access drive from Dirty Lane and parking area.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding several matters including;
4. Prior to commencement of development, details of hard and soft landscaping must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Hard landscaping details must include:
• Materials used for hard surfacing including access and parking areas.
• Boundary treatments and gates including height.
• Existing and Proposed ground levels
Soft landscaping details must include:
• Planting plans (including for hedgerow replanting)
• Size, density and Species
• Written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment)
• Implementation programme
Development must be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Hard landscaping must be completed prior to the occupation of the tourist units.
Soft landscaping must be completed within the next planting season following the commencement of the development.
If, within a period of 5 years, any landscaping dies, becomes diseased or defective, replacement landscaping of the same species must be planted in the same location within the next planting season.
Reason: To ensure the landscaping revisions to accommodate the highway visibility splays include appropriate species and in the interests of the amenities and character of the area to minimise impact, and to ensure the works are completed within an acceptable timeframe.
13. Within the extent of the red line boundary along the northern boundary of the site, no existing hedging or vegetation shall be removed at all without the confirmed written consent of the Local Planning Authority
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory visual relationship between the new development and the wider area.
14. Prior to the commencement of works hereby approved, details of cycle storage on site shall be submitted to an approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The storage shall then be installed prior to the occupation of the accommodation and retained for the lifetime of the permission.
Reason: To ensure sustainable means of transport from the site.
During public participation, Neil Rusbridger spoke in objection to the application, Margaret Bentley and Paul Benfield spoke in support of the application and Councillor Andreoli on behalf of Denmead Parish Council spoke against the application and answered members' questions.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee voted against the recommendation to permit planning permission and instead voted to refuse permission for the proposal. In reaching this decision they raised the following material planning matters which weighed in favour of refusing planning permission. The application was contrary to the NPPF, and Local Plan Policies DS1, and MTRA4, due to its unsustainable location and poor connectivity. Additionally, it failed to meet policies DM15, DM16, and DM23 by negatively impacting the visual character of the area due to its siting, layout, and appearance.
Supporting documents: