Agenda item

To consider and determine the following Recommended Minute of Cabinet held 19 August 2024 - Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (CAB3462) - draft minute of Cabinet to be circulated separately.



Cabinet recommends to Council that it resolves that:


1. The Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (Appendix 1) and the accompanying Integrated Impact Assessment (Appendix 2) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix 3) are approved for Publication for a period of 6 weeks anticipated to start on 29 August 2024;


2. Following Publication, the Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) and supporting documents be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination, together with the Regulation 19 representations and a summary;


3. Authority be delegated to the Strategic Planning Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan to prepare an addendum to the Plan that may be necessary to address soundness issues raised by representations received in response to the Regulation 19 public consultation and submit this addendum along with the Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate


4. Authority be delegated to the Strategic Planning Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan to agree to any Main Modifications and to undertake a 6 week public consultation on any Main Modifications that arise out of the Local Plan examination process and for this information to be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate


5. Authority be delegated to the Strategic Planning Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan to make any necessary editorial changes and minor amendments to the Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19), Integrated Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment, prior to Publication, Submission and during the Examination, to assist with consistency, explanation, graphic design and presentation and to enable any clarification necessary to outline how the proposals are consistent with government policy and the latest version of the NPPF.

Supporting documents:


m - To consider and determine the following Recommended Minute of Cabinet held 19 August 2024 - Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (CAB3462) - draft minute of Cabinet to be circulated separately.{sidenav}{content}