Agenda item

Station Approach update


At the invitation of the chairperson, Councillor Lee addressed the meeting as summarised below.  He advised that his comments were also pertinent to item 7.


Reiterated the importance of nature-based solutions for enhancing economic well-being and achieving a balanced consideration of human-centric and biodiversity-focused planning.


The Station Approach master plan should be inclusive of an emphasis on sustainability, including the allocation of space for new trees, green areas, and the improvement of biodiversity.


Regarding the Central Winchester Regeneration project, he expressed concern that the natural environment and the ongoing climate and nature crises were not sufficiently addressed, particularly the need for carbon neutrality alongside improved economic activity.


The Leader advised that his comments would be referred to during both the presentations on Station Approach and Central Winchester Regeneration, and the committee’s subsequent discussion. 


The Leader welcomed to the meeting Oliver Moore from Design Engine Architects.


The Director of Regeneration and Oliver Moore gave a detailed presentation which included their work on the draft concept master plan and its public consultation (which was to conclude on 27 October 2024) and ongoing activity before formal endorsement of the concept master plan by Cabinet in spring 2025. The presentation is available on the council’s website.


The Director of Regeneration and Oliver Moore responded to Members’ questions in relation to the following:


a)    Whether the 70 responses to the consultation received so far was a cause for concern, given the high usage of the station area.


b)    Further clarification was sought on how to balance the need for early engagement with the public and the potential lack of enthusiasm for responding to a concept master plan rather than a tangible proposal.


c)    A question was raised regarding the involvement of the railway authority in the consultation process, particularly their status and influence on potential outcomes.  Requirements concerning car parking spaces was also referred to.


d)    The inclusion of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) site in the master plan and the current level of engagement with them.


e)    The impact of the Stockbridge Road and St.Paul’s Hill on the design and movement within the site and how the sense of ‘arrival’ at both the front and rear of the station could be improved.


f)      Clarification was sought on the prioritisation of different parts of the site for development and their potential phasing. 


g)    The impacts on the movement strategy for the site from the proposed northern Park and Ride, development at Sir John Moore Barracks, changes to Andover Road, and the pinch point of the railway bridge.


h)    Further clarification was sought on the balance between pedestrian-friendly areas and the need for bus permeability, particularly on Station Hill.


i)      The provision of parking, especially for residents versus commuters, and how this was being addressed in the master plan.


j)      Clarification was sought on the approach to integrating car parking with new developments, particularly on the Cattle Market site.


k)    The future of taxi services around the station, specifically the distinction between Hackney cabs and minicabs and their respective access to the station area.


l)      Further clarification was sought on the biodiversity aspects of the master plan, including the health of existing trees and the potential for green and blue infrastructure.


The Leader thanked the Director of Regeneration, and Oliver Moore from Design Engine for their update.





That the contents of the presentation be noted.

Supporting documents:


m - Station Approach update{sidenav}{content}