(Representatives of the developers will be in attendance to present and answer questions).
Mr Hughes presented the report.
Mr Hughes stated that Mrs Stickland had left the post of implementation officer to work for the Solent University. The Forum wished her well in her future role.
Mr Hughes continued that the adoption by Hampshire County Council of the highways within the Taylor Wimpey development was imminent.
The revised planning application for phases 10a and 9a was expected to be submitted prior to Christmas. Grainger and Savills were also considering matters relating to the infrastructure, access route and landscaping.
In respect of the Town Park, Mr Tilbury stated that discussions would take place with the new parish council over its adoption and maintenance out of the parish precept. This would include the area of the Town Park that was in Havant Borough Council’s area, provided the Borough Council gave its consent to this arrangement. There would be a commuted sum to be passed to the parish council, which would be proportioned with Havant Borough Council.
The Chairman commented that representatives of Winchester City Council and Havant Borough Council had met with the County Council to discuss the crossing on the B150. There had not been an update since this meeting and this matter would be taken forward by the officers.
Mr Watson suggested that the Arts Advisory Panel’s artist in residence could work with the new parish council on a parish logo. Mr Crichton replied that the shadow Parish Council’s Communications Working Party was already giving this matter consideration.
In answer to a question from Mr Crichton, Mr Hughes responded that further to the last meeting of the Forum there had been no update on proposals for the Taylor Wimpey employment land.
Lisa Turley from Grainger gave a short presentation. Mrs Turley stated that there had been consultation on moving the community building from the Local Centre to Town Park (and providing a smaller satellite building at the Local Centre). The feedback on the consultation had been that this proposal would decentralise the development, and it was also the opinion of retail experts that the community building was required at the Local Centre to ensure its retail viability by providing a hub and destination for local residents.
The Town Park would have a facility within the cricket pavilion comprising a cafe and toilets to serve the multiuse sports area (MUSA) in addition to the cricket pitch.
Consultation was also ongoing to establish the needs of the area and to identify the correct partners to make the development sustainable in the long term. For example, to possibly provide a nursery that would generate user footfall and a mix of provision.
In respect of Phase 6 of the development, discussion was being undertaken with a medical group to provide a large doctor’s surgery on site with extensive service provision, and this would be located next to the extra care facility.
The children’s play area would be provided before the end of the year when it had been turfed and the Town Park would be ready for use in spring 2019.
In answer to a question from Mr Crichton, Mrs Turley stated that the MUSA would include four tennis courts in accordance with the Section 106 Agreement. Any additional provision (for example at six courts for competitive club tennis) would need to be by provided through additional funding. The facilities would all be disabled access compliant.
In reply to questions from Mr Lander Brinkley, Mrs Turley added that the MUSA was for multiuse and was not designed for competitive league matches.
The Forum thanked Mrs Turley for her presentation.
That the progress being made in bringing the West of Waterlooville MDA forward be noted.
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