Agenda item

Environmental Services Kerbside Glass Collection and Contract Strategy (CAB3108) (less exempt appendices)


(Report CAB3108 refers)


The Committee noted that Report CAB3108 had not been notified for inclusion on the agenda within the statutory deadline.  The Chairman agreed to accept the item onto the agenda as a matter requiring urgent consideration to ensure the Committee could consider the report in advance of the additional meeting of Cabinet on 18 December 2018.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting, Vicky Beechey, Project Integra, who provided a detailed presentation setting out the Government’s national updates regarding resources and waste in relation to the following matters and answered Members’ questions thereon:


·         EU Circular Economy Package;

·         Defra Resources and Waste Strategy;

·         Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR); and

·         Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)


It was noted that Project Integra worked in partnership with local councils across Hampshire.  Reference was made to the  recent waste analysis work and to a number of key points in respect of what would be coming forward as National Policy including:


·         Recycling targets for municipal waste up to 2035;

·         Kerbside sort/source recycling of bio-waste;

·         The five pillars of the  waste strategy by modifying the life cycle of products from the materials used at manufacturing stage; to processes taken during consumer use and disposal; to the end of life at waste management stage with the treatment/reprocessing of the product;

·         Increasing the use of DRS to assist with reducing litter and increasing recycling;

·         Consultations – this included three national consultations regarding EPR, DRS and Consistency and Metrics due to be undertaken by Defra and also a consultation on single use plastics; and

·         The outcome of Waste Composition Analysis. 


In respect of the consultations carried out by DEFRA, it was reported that Project Integra would respond accordingly on behalf of all local authorities within Hampshire. This process would take place in January 2019 and would run for a period of 12 weeks. It was noted that the Strategy Review, Consultation Responses and Hampshire Waste Partnership (HWP)/PI programme progression were all expected during Summer 2019


In response to the presentation, Members raised a number of questions in relation to the following points which were answered accordingly: the disposal of food waste going forward; life cycle cost of packaging and collection incentives, glass collections and materials to be used; manufacturing of plastics and packaging, clearer uniformed labelling for recyclables, the recycling of batteries and collection arrangements. In response, Ms Beechey clarified that all comments received would be addressed and would feed into the consultation process going forward.


In conclusion, the Committee welcomed and supported the work taking place, recognised that this would drive significant environmental change for Hampshire and that the Hampshire Waste Partnership would have a fundamental role going forward.


The Chairman thanked Ms Beechey for attending the meeting and providing a very informative presentation.


Councillor Warwick introduced the report which set out a number of proposals to Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 18 December 2018 in respect of the procurement of waste collection services across the District, in particular a one year extension of the current contract with a number of priced options for consideration. In addition, the report also set out details of how a new service for the collection of glass at the kerbside could be introduced to residents from October 2019.


The Chairman welcomed representatives from White Young Green (WYG), the Council’s external advisors for the contract, to the meeting to assist with any matters that could arise during consideration of the report.


Councillor Warwick highlighted that the one year contract extension put the Council in the mid-point in terms of cost, and  allowed the Council to lease newer vehicles with lower ‘Euro 6’ emission engines to improve collection reliability and reduce carbon emissions. A dedicated contract management team would be established in Winchester to improve the efficiency of the service to residents locally. Councillor Warwick clarified that East Hampshire District Council had delegated provision of the service to Havant Borough Council. 


In addition, the one year extension would provide an opportunity for the Council to address any forthcoming changes expected from DEFRA which could impact onthe service design.

During questions and debate, the Committee raised a number of questions on the following which were responded to by the relevant Officers, the Council’s external advisors from WYG and/or Portfolio Holders present:


(i)        Review of the number of ‘bring’ sites - The Strategic Director confirmed     that the number of bring sites would reduce by 20 but that all residents    would have access to kerbside glass collection. A review of the sites    would be carried out to evaluate usage. WYG representatives reported      that service had been carefully modelled, looking at the patterns of         usage and kerbside glass collection services used elsewhere;

(ii)       The need to introduce food waste recycling as soon as possible,     following the Government’s announcement of the new waste strategy          as set out in paragraph 2.8 of the report – it was confirmed that this   matter was open for Members to review as part of the scope;

(iii)      The efficiency and reliability of the existing fleet of vehicles;

(iv)      One year extension costs within the Medium Tern Financial Strategy         (MTFS). The Strategic Director: Resources clarified that a mid-cost for             the one year extension of the contract had been incorporated in the MTFS, but the full cost of this would be dependant on which option was    agreed. The Strategic Director reminded the Committee that the pricing         provided was based on a one year contract and that with competition in       the market for the longer term, this price would be reviewed in order to           continue to achieve the best value and position for the Council; and

(v)       Customer service enquiries and complaints – The Strategic Director           clarified that with the introduction for a new contract, new methods   would             be implemented for customer contact, including new reporting     applications,             IT systems and improved performance data monitoring.


The Committee agreed to the following recommendations in principle before moving to exempt session to discuss the matters contained within the exempt appendices to the report.




            1.         That the Portfolio Holder notes the comments of the    Committee; and


2.         That the Cabinet be asked to give further consideration to the proposed choice of pricing proposal (detail in exempt minute)


Supporting documents:


m - Environmental Services Kerbside Glass Collection and Contract Strategy (CAB3108) (less exempt appendices){sidenav}{content}