Agenda item

Public Participation

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum


The Chairman welcomed approximately 30 local residents and representatives of partner organisations to the meeting.


A number of residents addressed the Forum making a range of points, the key issues raised were:


  • Concern was expressed regarding local air quality and a need for a cumulative air assessment that had regard to all development in the locality. The Forum was advised that a comprehensive Air Quality Statement did form part of the planning application in accordance with the Council’s normal planning policies. Ongoing air quality monitoring would be undertaken.
  • Questions were asked regarding the existing GP surgery and whether it would be able to meet future demand. The Forum was advised that this was a matter for the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who had previously advised that the additional demand could be managed within the existing provision.
  • A number of points were made regarding the proposed road layout and predicted traffic. Specific reference was also made to capacity issues at the M27 Parkway South roundabout. Officers confirmed that all of the required assessments and transport modelling had shown that the infrastructure proposals would be sufficient for the development. Modelling was undertaken and updated as and when adjacent development was brought forward.
  • Clarification was sought regarding the definition of “substantially completed in 2019” in relation to Bluebell Way. Officers confirmed that it meant that it would be open to the public in 2019.
  • The Forum was asked whether biodiversity improvements could be built into the development, specifically, the introduction of bird boxes, bat boxes and badger runs. The Forum was advised that as part of the planning application a Biodiversity assessment was undertaken and a Green Infrastructure Delivery Strategy was prepared.
  • Information was requested regarding the restrictions that would be in place for construction traffic. The Forum was advised that the Construction Management Plan had been recently completed and all construction traffic would be required to use Botley Road until Bluebell Way opened.



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