Agenda item

Bury Farm - A verbal update from Councillor Horrill, Leader of the Council.


Councillor Horrill updated the Forum regarding the businesses at Bury Farm. An overview of the activity undertaken since the previous meeting was provided as summarised below:


  • The Council had appointed a Bury Farm Business Support Advisor to lead on this important issue.
  • A specific meeting was held in November with the Council, affected businesses and Crest.
  • Of the 17 businesses impacted in Phase 1, fifteen had so far been able to successfully relocate.
  • All businesses had received a letter in February 2019 from Crest with an update regarding the latest plans.
  • The Council had written to all businesses with details of support available, including information regarding  a grant that could assist with extraordinary relocation costs.
  • There was an ongoing commitment to support the 28 remaining businesses that were due to relocate in later phases.


In responding to a number of questions from Forum Members, Councillor Horrill advised:


  • that the current support arrangements were not currently time-limited.
  • that the relocation grant was for up to £1,000 and that other grants were available.
  • that dates for future phases were to be confirmed.



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