(Report NWDF 10
The Forum received and noted
the report of the North Whiteley Implementation Officer which
provided an update on progress with issues relating to the North
Whiteley Major Development Area.
The Forum was briefed on a
number of issues contained within the report, including
- It was anticipated
that an official start date for work at Junction 9 would be
September 2019, which was expected to take two years.
- Tree clearance was
underway as part of the first phase to enable the extension of
Bluebell way
- Tree clearance along
the top section of the Botley Road had commenced which enables the
provision of the Footpath/Cycleway.
- Contractors had been
appointed for the Western Access junction with work starting in
January 2019.
- Two of the housing
developers had now submitted reserved matters applications for some
parcels of land. If approved it was anticipated that this would
enable construction to commence on site in April 2019.
- Hampshire County
Council and Cornerstone CEA Primary School had agreed to reschedule
the start of construction of the new school which was anticipated
to open in September 2021.
The Forum raised a number of
points concerning the detail of the report which were responded to
as summarised below:
- Members raised a
number of points concerning the detail of the report. In
particular, questions were asked regarding the triggers required to
enable the school build, the delivery of all-weather pitches and
the 5-metre lighting posts along the B3051 cycleway. Regarding
concerns with parking restrictions on Bluebell Way, Members were
advised that this was an issue that should be raised with Transport
Officers at Winchester City Council.
- Members further
debated the issues concerning GP facilities and felt that an
invitation should be extended to representatives of the Clinical
Commissioning Group and/or the General Practice to attend a future
- Regarding the issues
connected with Air Quality, it was suggested that a monitoring
system was implemented to monitor compliance with the Air Quality
Management Plan. The Forum was advised that the issue had already
been raised with them and meetings were underway with Ward
- Regarding questions
over biodiversity, Members of the forum were advised that as the
reserved matters applications come forward to the Planning
Committee, that individuals or parish councils would be able to
make representations to the committee. It was requested that an
update be provided to the Forum on this issue at the next
- In response to a
specific question, Councillor Humby reported that the County
Council was responsible for approximately 1,500 bridges which were
all regularly tested. He advised that no issues were known of in
relation to the road bridges in the locality.
Finally, Officers from
Hampshire County Council provided the Forum with an update of
Transport Infrastructure issues, including; funding and progress at
M27, Junction 9, Whiteley Way and Botley footpath and
cycleway. In addition, officers updated
the Forum regarding plans for R1, Whiteley Roundabout which was
anticipated to commence Summer 2019 with a two year construction
period. Following the awarding of this contract, a public
exhibition was planned.
That the content of the report be noted.
Chairman thanked those attending this meeting of the