Agenda item

Land Off Solent Way, Whiteley (Case number: 18/02163/FUL)


Item 7:  The erection of a drive-thru restaurant (Class A3/A5 - Sui Generis) with associated advertisements, car parking, access, servicing, landscaping, engineering works and ancillary works.

Land Off Solent Way, Whiteley

Case number: 18/02163/FUL


The Development Manager referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out in full an amendment to Condition 10 and an amendment to the ‘Recommendation’ regarding the requirement of the legal agreement to read as follows: ‘Application Approved subject to:


(a) the successful completion of a legal agreement (unilateral undertaking or

section 106) to obtain the following:


·         The provision of the Travel Plan and associated approval and monitoring fees / bond of £9,750;

·         The provision of KEEP CLEAR marking at the site access as shown in principle on Drawing 3042.01 and;

·         A financial contribution of £38,000 towards the Parkway South Roundabout Improvement Scheme.

·         Details of Ecological Enhancements and the location of the selected receptor site.

·         A financial contribution toward the management of other local SINCs to compensate for the loss of habitat.

·         A financial contribution to secure the future of a suitable receptor site in perpetuity.

(Note: If the Legal Agreement is not completed within 6 months then the application may be refused without further reference to Committee)’


In addition, a verbal update was provided stating that a petition had been handed in prior to the meeting with a list of signatories from the group ‘Whiteley Residents Matter’, seeking further development to be stopped in Whiteley in respect of congestion and pollution.


In response to questions from Members, the Highways Engineer from Hampshire Highways clarified that the contribution for the scheme would not be available until development had commenced and that preliminary works to Junction 9 of M27 and Parkway South had commenced with full works scheduled to start during Summer 2019 and an expected completion date anticipated for Summer 2021.  In addition, it was noted that works to the road network would be expected to be carried out once development was complete, or at least underway.  


During public participation, Whendie Blackwell, Ruth Horton and Town Councillor Mike Evans (Whiteley Town Council) spoke in objection to the application and Andrew Kenyon and Naomi Taylor spoke in support of the application and all answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillors Huxstep and Achwal spoke on this item as Ward Members. 


In summary, Councillor Huxstep raised the following points:


-       Significant existing traffic issues;

-       Endorsed the comments of Whiteley Town Council; Investigate powers to delay the start of this development for road works to be completed in advance of development;

-       Contrary to Policy SHUA3 as the application fails to achieve B1, B2 or B8 type of employment use;

-       Queuing/Idling traffic experienced regularly into and out of Whiteley causing a detrimental impact on air pollution;

-       KFC traffic modelling based on the site at Andover; unsure if this provided a true reflection of the issues at Whiteley; and

-       Staff parking on site would only work if sanctions were in place to prevent employees using this facility.


            In summary, Councillor Achwal raised the following points:


-       Disappointed no visit to the site had taken place prior to the meeting and that the Applicant had not carried out any public or community engagement regarding the application.

-       Future of children with an increasing amount of fast food outlets; contrary to NICE Public Health England guidance by increasing unhealthy food choices.

-       Drive-thru situated next to offices with an increase in litter and Anti-Social Behaviour already  experienced since the opening of the Lidl Store, adjacent to the proposed application site;

-       Inadequate parking provision with buses in operation only one every two hours and services ending at 7pm and not operational on a Sunday; How would staff travel to work if not by vehicle?

-       With the contribution of £38,000 from the Applicants towards mitigation measures, it was suggested that this be ring fenced towards a pedestrian crossing in Rookery Avenue.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to refuse permission for the following reason: Proposal does not accord with Policy SHUA3 by means of the type of employment generated and places an additional burden on the highway infrastructure. Contrary to Policies: CP9, CP10 and DM18. 

The precise wording of conditions to be delegated to the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman. 


Supporting documents:


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