To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum
The Chairperson welcomed approximately 40 local residents to the meeting. A number of residents addressed the Forum, making a range of points, the key issues raised were:
Concern was expressed regarding biodiversity issues and whether the full range of measures had been introduced as part of the reserved matters application process. Secondly, issues were raised regarding the environmental impacts of developments, for example, the impact on existing wildlife and development detritus.
Officers advised that they would need to refer the detail of the question regarding biodiversity to planning officers and would provide a detailed response. Regarding the Environmental impact of the development, Mr Evans confirmed that he would look into the points raised and report back.
A member of the public raised several issues and a summary of the responses provided was as follows:
Two residents addressed the Forum regarding the timing for the delivery of playing pitches. Officers advised that the Section 106 agreement specified trigger points for the delivery of the facilities and that these trigger points would be advised to the Forum following the meeting. In addition, Mr Evans advised that he would report back regarding the recreation ground to the North of the development.
The Chairperson thanked all of the speakers for their questions.