Agenda item

Work Programme and Informal Group Formation 2019/20

Report Reference: WTF272


(Report WTF272 refers)

The Forum considered the report which set out the draft work programme for the new Municipal Year, 2019/20 and asked Members to consider appointments to a number of Informal Groups.

Following discussion, the Forum agreed for the following items and indicative terms of reference to be included in the Work programme for 2019/20:

  1. Winchester Town Forum - future governance. “to form a task and finish group of the Town Forum to consider options and to make recommendations to Cabinet”


  1. Planning for the future in Winchester. “Proposals have come forward to the Town Forum - including an urban design framework and a neighbourhood plan. A task and finish group would consider the options and make early recommendations to Cabinet on preparation of a plan for Winchester Town to be adopted as an SPD under the LP refresh (2036).”

In addition to these two items, a number of other issues were identified for future consideration and action as appropriate:

  1. Safer Streets (it was intended that the Cabinet member would bring a short paper to a future meeting of the Forum on this)
  2. Community Infrastructure Levy scheme, KGV Pavilion, Fees and Charges and Environmental Services Contract: Members agreed that these items would be discussed with the Chair and if required would be brought back to a future Forum meeting for inclusion in the work programme.


With regards to the appointment to Informal groups for 2019/20, the following was agreed:


  1. Planning for the future in Winchester Town:

Notes: “Look at co-design approach to development of vision and plan for Winchester Town Area“

Members: Hutchison, Gottlieb, Craske and Tod

Lead Officer: J Nell

  1. Winchester Town Forum (Engagement) Informal Group

Notes: Agreed to rename the group to “Governance” and regarding the scope to “follow up on preliminary work on new governance models for Winchester Town Forum.

Members: Becker, Craske, Hutchison and Tod.

Lead Officer: J Holmes

  1. Winchester Town Forum (North Walls) Informal Group

Members: Hiscock, Becker, Ferguson, Gottlieb and Learney.

Lead Officer: S Croker

  1. Winchester Town Forum (St Maurice’s Covert)

Notes: It was agreed to rename the group “High Street including St Maurices Covert and Jewry St). There was reference to the scope of the group being “Delivery of projects and review of cleaning, maintenance and furniture”

Members: Mather, Gottlieb, Murphy, Tod and Hutchison.

Lead Officer: S Finch

  1. Winchester Town Forum (Town Accounts Grants) Group

Notes: Scope of the group to include: “Activate new grant making regime”.

Members: Weir, Craske and Hiscock.

Lead Officer: M Fletcher

  1. Winchester Town Forum (Account Informal) Group

Notes: There was a reference to the scope of the group being “Budget and CIL”.

Councillors: Learney, Murphy and Ferguson.

Lead Officer: D Kennedy

  1. Walking Strategy Group: It was agreed that Councillor Hiscock would be the Town Forums nomination to this group. 


Members agreed that it would be beneficial for the groups to convene as soon as possible in order that remits could be compiled and priorities established. The Strategic Director Services (Interim) advised the Forum that resources for both the Work programme items and the Informal Groups would need to be identified.




1.    That the items listed above are added to the Annual Work Programme;


2.    That the Strategic Director Services (Interim) in liaison with the Chair would consider the work programme items agreed above and present an outline timetable for the next meeting; and


3.    That the Informal groups listed above be formed for the 2019/20 Municipal year.


Supporting documents:


m - Work Programme and Informal Group Formation 2019/20{sidenav}{content}