1. That the projected shortfalls on the General Fund in the medium term, the proposed options for addressing those shortfalls be considered in order to determine in December which of the options should be included within the medium financial plan.
2. That the creation of a Transition Reserve, utilising the projected underspend forecast for the current financial year, be approved.
3. That one-off revenue expenditure proposals for additional Local Plan resource at £160k to fund 2 x 2 year fixed term posts as set out in paragraph 11.12 of the report be approved.
4. That the requirement to increase the charge for On Street Permits to £50 for first permits be phased over 3 years (£30 from April 2020, £40 from April 2021 and £50 from April 2022).
Councillor Cutler introduced the Report which contained a medium term budget projection over a four year period and emphasised Appendix B which set out the projected shortfalls. With the aim to be as transparent as possible, the report set out a number of possible options to address the predicted budget deficit. Councillor Cutler welcomed comments on the options presented, in addition to any other suggestions.
In response to questions, the Leader confirmed that a Parish Briefing on the proposed budget options would take place in November 2019. The Strategic Director: Services (Interim) advised that the Magdalen Hill Cemetery was within the Winchester Town Account, but the option at paragraph 11.66 also related to more general income proposals.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Godfrey, Pearson and Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised below.
Councillor Godfrey:
· Did not consider that the Report adequately referred to desired outcomes and instead focussed on raising various charges to address the predicted deficit;
· Disappointed about lack of focus on delivering Council projects, such as Central Winchester Regeneration “meanwhile uses” which could generate additional income;
· Opposition to any proposal to introduce a charge for the collection of garden waste as 70% of households currently used the service, increasing recycling levels;
· Had consideration been given to the impact on options to introduce parking charges on a Sunday to local businesses? However, if a charge was introduced, he did not consider a flat rate charge was appropriate and the standard day rate should be considered.
Councillor Pearson:
· Options to increase parking charges should include justifications, for example to enable introduction of improved technology to tackle vehicle emissions;
· If charges for garden waste were introduced, the possibility of offering wheelie bins for collection should be considered.
· Any proposals regarding responsibility and financing for provision of public conveniences should be very carefully considered.
Councillor Horrill:
· Welcomed any proposals that would be of benefit to the whole district but did not consider the options presented would achieve this;
· Believed the proposals to introduce additional parking charges and charging for garden waste were unnecessary;
· Disappointed regarding rejection of income generation ideas and lack of progress on short term projects;
· Should include more active consideration and review of the Council’s existing assets;
· Opposition to possibility of ending CCTV monitoring;
· Budget Simulator only offered limited options and no opportunity for other ideas to be submitted.
Cabinet Members responded to Councillors comments, as summarised below:
· Disputed that seeking income generation through acquisition of new assets was always appropriate and a clear plan was required to justify in each case;
· Highlighted that the income to be generated from current major projects would not be received for a long time and the budget shortfall had been forecast a number of years ago
· Emphasis that that the report set out options for possible savings for the future in the interests of being as transparent as possible and to consult on the proposals;
· The significant financial impact of the Government’s withdrawal of funding, together with the County Council’s decision to introduce charges for the handling of contaminated recyclable material;
· A forthcoming Parking Strategy report would further consider the possibilities regarding changes to parking charges, including the impact on carbon emissions;
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the projected shortfalls on the General Fund in the medium term, the proposed options for addressing those shortfalls be considered in order to determine in December which of the options should be included within the medium financial plan.
2. That creation of a Transition Reserve, utilising the projected underspend forecast for the current financial year, be approved.
3. That one-off revenue expenditure proposals for additional Local Plan resource at £160k to fund 2 x 2 year fixed term posts as set out in paragraph 11.12 be approved.
4. That the requirement to increase the charge for On Street Permits to £50 for first permits be phased over 3 years (£30 from April 2020, £40 from April 2021 and £50 from April 2022).
Supporting documents: