Agenda item

Presentation & Report - North Whiteley Development - Implementation Progress


(Report NWDF 11 refers)


The Forum received and noted the report of the Team Leader Major Development Implementation which provided an update on progress with issues relating to the North Whiteley Major Development Area. The key issues within the report were reported and summarised as:


Mr Tilbury advised the Forum that five reserved matters applications had been submitted which show the detail proposed for specific phases of development. Three of the five applications had now been approved, one was being amended and the fifth had only recently been submitted and was being assessed.


Regarding Bury Farm, Mr Tilbury confirmed that substantial progress had been made and that the contract with the Business advisor had been extended to mid August 2019 to support those remaining businesses. Of approximately 50 businesses which had premises on the Bury Farm site, 35 had now relocated or had found alternative premises and would be leaving shortly. The Forum were advised that the Council would continue to support the remaining businesses in their relocation efforts.


The Forum was advised that the County Council was progressing its plans for the construction of the first primary school which should begin either later this year or early in the next calendar year. Finally, Mr Tilbury advised that as requested at the previous meeting, Officers had extended an invitation to the Clinical Commissioning Group to attend a future meeting of the Forum but no response had so far been received.


Mr Stewart from Hampshire County Council updated the Forum on the progress being made at M27 Junction 9. He also confirmed that a public information event was to be held in September, prior to works starting. The precise timings and location would be circulated to residents, Councillors and other stakeholders.


Jeff Davis, Associate Director, WYG and David Evans, Project Director, Bovis Homes provided the Forum with two presentations covering a number of issues, including; planning permission status, construction status, the economic impact of the development and the links with the Governments “Construction Skills Fund” programme.


Mr Evans also advised that a regular, electronic newsletter would be issued shortly and encouraged all residents, Councillors and stakeholders to sign up to it. Finally, Mr Evans advised that a site tour with local Councillors was being planned for August.


In responding to a number of questions from Forum Members, Officers advised:


  • That any offsite affordable housing contributions would remain within Winchester City Council’s funds.
  • That low level bollard lighting along the B3051 cycleway could not be adopted by the County Council.
  • Nitrate levels. An appropriate assessment was carried out prior to the planning consent being issued and it determined that the current levels of mitigation in relation to nitrates at the site were sufficient to allow development to commence. 
  • Mr Davis advised that he would develop a plan showing developer activity that may impact on residents that could be circulated to Members for onward communication.
  • That meetings were planned with mobile network operators to review signal coverage improvements.
  • That it was acknowledged that electric charging was becoming a more pressing issue and that the issue was being reviewed.
  • That Officers would follow up on the invitation previously sent to the Clinical Commissioning Group.
  • Regarding the use of management Companies, the Forum was advised that the Council’s preferred option was for public adoption but that a developer cannot be compelled to this approach.
  • It was confirmed that the development did not generate Community Infrastructure Levy funds.


In response to a specific question regarding proposed junction works at Pinkmead, Mr Earl from Hampshire County Council advised that he would provide the Forum with a detailed response.


Supporting documents:


m - Presentation & Report - North Whiteley Development - Implementation Progress{sidenav}{content}