Agenda item

Replacement GP Surgery Update (less exempt appendices)


1.         That the development appraisal set out in Exempt Appendix B of the Report be noted.


2.         That the provisionally agreed terms for the letting of the proposed new surgery set out in Exempt Appendix C of the Report be approved and the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to finalise the terms of the agreement and leases.


3.         That the development of the Surgery is proceeded with, noting the revised financial implications as set out in Exempt Appendix D of the Report.


4.         That an increase to the capital budget and expenditure of £250,000 be approved.


5.         That the Service Lead - Legal be authorised to enter into a Building Agreement and Lease with the St Clements Doctors Practice.


6.         That the “Pharmacy” space is let for a Health related use; that the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to agree the use in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Assets and that the terms of any letting are agreed  by the Corporate Head of Asset Management.


7.         That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to seek statutory consent for any amendment to the planning consent resulting from the letting referred to in 5 above.


8.         That subject to approval of 5 above, the Service Lead - Legal be authorised to enter into a Building Agreement and Lease with a prospective tenant of the “Pharmacy” space and thereafter to complete the lease.


9.         That Architecture PLB be retained as architects and Scott White Hookins be retained as Structural engineers to develop the design of the new surgery up to RIBA Stage 4 to facilitate the tendering of the construction work and accordingly a direction to this effect be made under Contracts Procedure Rule 41.1 e and f).


10.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to appoint the consultant team required to carry the project forward in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rule 13; to include Project Manager, Cost Consultant, Structural and Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, BREEAM advisers and such other consultants as are necessary from time to time.


11.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to select the procurement procedure to be used (including the evaluation model and the selection of any frameworks if appropriate) and to seek tenders for the construction of the property taking account of appropriate advice from Cost Consultants and in compliance with Contract Procedure Rules.


12.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to accept tenders received and to appoint and award contracts to enable the works to proceed in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules following their assessment by the Cost Consultant and subject to the tenderers being able to undertake the works in the required timescale.



Councillor Learney introduced the report and welcomed the proposals therein.  The new surgery was in a sustainable location and would be built to BREEAM standards.  Discussions were advanced with other providers of health services to lease the space allocated for a new pharmacy.


At the invitation of the Deputy Leader, Councillors Miller and Horrill addressed Cabinet in summary they both welcomed the proposals and the sustainable location (in particular, regarding the intention to relocate the bus station) and congratulated the Officers involved.  Councillor Horrill also requested to speak during the exempt session.


Cabinet moved into exempt session to consider the exempt appendices to the Report before returning to open session to agree the resolution set out below.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.




1.         That the development appraisal set out in Exempt Appendix B of the Report be noted.


2.         That the provisionally agreed terms for the letting of the proposed new surgery set out in Exempt Appendix C of the Report be approved and the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to finalise the terms of the agreement and leases.


3.         That the development of the Surgery is proceeded with, noting the revised financial implications as set out in Exempt Appendix D of the Report.


4.         That an increase to the capital budget and expenditure of £250,000 be approved.


5.         That the Service Lead - Legal be authorised to enter into a Building Agreement and Lease with the St Clements Doctors Practice.


6.         That the “Pharmacy” space is let for a Health related use; that the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to agree the use in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Assets and that the terms of any letting are agreed  by the Corporate Head of Asset Management.


7.         That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to seek statutory consent for any amendment to the planning consent resulting from the letting referred to in 5 above.


8.         That subject to approval of 5 above, the Service Lead - Legal be authorised to enter into a Building Agreement and Lease with a prospective tenant of the “Pharmacy” space and thereafter to complete the lease.


9.         That Architecture PLB be retained as architects and Scott White Hookins be retained as Structural engineers to develop the design of the new surgery up to RIBA Stage 4 to facilitate the tendering of the construction work and accordingly a direction to this effect be made under Contracts Procedure Rule 41.1 e and f).


10.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to appoint the consultant team required to carry the project forward in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rule 13; to include Project Manager, Cost Consultant, Structural and Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, BREEAM advisers and such other consultants as are necessary from time to time.


11.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to select the procurement procedure to be used (including the evaluation model and the selection of any frameworks if appropriate) and to seek tenders for the construction of the property taking account of appropriate advice from Cost Consultants and in compliance with Contract Procedure Rules.


12.       That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to accept tenders received and to appoint and award contracts to enable the works to proceed in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules following their assessment by the Cost Consultant and subject to the tenderers being able to undertake the works in the required timescale.


Supporting documents:


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