Agenda item

Station Approach - Site Disposal Process


1.           That the arrangements detailed in Report CAB3188 for the marketing and Purchaser selection process for disposal of the Carfax site be approved, but that further emphasis be given to matters of sustainability, and that bidders respond to the comments of the Regional Design Panel.


2.           That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to finalise and undertake the marketing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Local Economy, based on the disposal methodology set out in Report CAB3188. 


3.           That  a further report be brought to Cabinet setting out the detailed purchaser selection process based on the disposal methodology in this report


4.           That the Strategic Director – Place be required to bring a report to Cabinet for a decision on the disposal of the site to a purchaser once the marketing and selection process has been completed.




Councillor Weir introduced the report and reminded Members that at the Cabinet meeting on 28 August 2019 it had been agreed to dispose of the Carfax site to a selected purchaser, subject to the award of an outline planning consent.  Outline planning consent was subsequently granted at Planning Committee on 12 September 2019.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed Cabinet in support of the project, as she had at the previous Cabinet meeting and Planning Committee.  It was her view that Station Approach presented a significant opportunity to boost to the local economy (estimated at approximately £80m) and also opportunities for improving the public realm in the area.  She also welcomed the opportunity to participate in the evaluation process as detailed at Paragraph 11.10 of the report.  In summary, she raised the following points:

  • Regarding timing, could the proposal for the purchaser selection to be made in March 2020 be brought forward, particularly to avoid further pressure on securing the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) monies by March 2021?
  • In their report, JLL indicated that there was a potential for broader interest in the site than from the local area and she therefore sought assurances that the Council was taking adequate measures to access this wider market.
  • What triggers were written into the process to take account of significant uncertainties, such as the impact of Brexit?


One Cabinet Member proposed that the requirements on a prospective purchaser to prove a demonstrable commitment to sustainability/carbon-neutral best practice be prioritised.  The Council’s legal advisor, Steven Matthew (BrowneJacobson) confirmed this was acceptable and was to be welcomed as offering further clarity to the market.  In addition, Members requested that bidders have the opportunity to respond to the comments from the Regional Design Panel.  Cabinet agreed to an amendment to recommendation 1 of the report to take account of both points (as set out in amended Resolution 1 below).


Members commented at that the recent meeting of the Station Approach Open Forum on 16 September 2019, some issues had been raised over the next steps of the process.  The selection of the purchaser to develop the scheme was recognised as crucial to the process and Cabinet wished to be as transparent as possible in making this decision.  Therefore, Members requested that a further report be submitted to a future Cabinet on the assessment process for the prospective purchaser(s).  The report’s recommendations were further amended accordingly, as set out below.


With regard to paragraph 11.10, Cabinet agreed that the Members included in the group to whom potential purchasers could make a presentation be expanded to include one Ward Councillor and also a Cabinet Member.  It was clarified that only one Ward Councillor would be nominated (even though the proposed development fell within two wards).


With regard to comments made by Councillor Horrill, Cabinet were mindful of the potential impact and risks from the current Brexit uncertainties.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.           That the arrangements detailed in this report for the marketing and Purchaser selection process for disposal of the Carfax site be approved, but that further emphasis be given to matters of sustainability, and that bidders respond to the comments of the Regional Design Panel.


2.           That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to finalise and undertake the marketing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Local Economy, based on the disposal methodology set out in this report. 


3.           That  a further report be brought to Cabinet setting out the detailed purchaser selection process based on the disposal methodology in this report


4.           That the Strategic Director – Place be required to bring a report to Cabinet for a decision on the disposal of the site to a purchaser once the marketing and selection process has been completed.


Supporting documents:


m - Station Approach - Site Disposal Process{sidenav}{content}