Agenda item

Climate Emergency Action Plan - Presentation



The Committee received a presentation from the Strategic Director: Services (Interim) and the Cabinet Member for Environment updating Members on progress regarding the Climate Emergency Action Plan and seeking comments from the Committee thereon. The presentation was available on the Council’s website.


The presentation provided an initial steer on the Action Plan which was due to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 11 December 2019 for amendment and review and focussed on the preparatory plan and questions raised to date.  The action plan was subsequent to the Council’s declaration made in June 2019, with the aim to achieve carbon neutrality as a Council by 2024 and as a District by 2030 which several authorities had also pledged their commitment to attaining.


During public participation, Jock Macdonald (representing WinACC), Phil Gagg and David Ball addressed the Committee on this matter. A summary of the points raised are set out below:


Jock Macdonald (representing WinACC):


-       Welcomed progress to date;

-       Supported the incentivise principles raised during the stakeholder engagement;

-       Suggested that the Council raise opposition in respect of two forthcoming projects in relation to motorways and the future growth of Southampton Airport;

-       Population increases would generate higher volumes of traffic and further increase emission levels going forward.


Phil Gagg


-       Acknowledged and welcomed the plan;

-       Considered that the challenges and targets referenced in the plan to be formidable and of a significant scale, although it was recognised that an impressive impact had been achieved over the last decade;

-       Suggested that the Council would need to take robust action on all other areas of emissions.


David Ball 


-       Action Plan was welcomed and targets ambitious;

-       Council and District targets – considered that the plan focussed on Council targets and that a separate plan for the District provided a clear way forward with District targets being harder to achieve;

-       Suggested that the plan and resulting emissions be independently reviewed and audited to enhance credibility;

-       Considered that the quantification of carbon emissions needed to be made clear;

-       Questioned how renewables in the District would also be quantified.


At the conclusion of public speaking, the Chair thanked those who addressed the Committee for attending to express their views on this matter.


The Strategic Director: Services (Interim) and relevant officers from the project board responded to Members’ questions and comments regarding the following:


·         The need for advice to householders on immediate and short term actions they can take was highlighted.

·         Events have been undertaken across the district as part of “Green Week” and this district wide focus will continue through the Action Plan.  ,

·         The Action Plan will address the role of schools engagement and consideration is being given to how partners can assist this (such as Marwell Zoo and Hampshire County Council (HCC);

·         It was reported that the Action Plan would be separated into actions to address Council emissions by 2024 and those to address district wide emissions by 2030;

·         Movement Strategy: The Strategic Director: Place emphasised that work on the strategy was in progress, in partnership with HCC, on a number of key areas. An update on the Movement Strategy would come forward to the next meeting of the Committee on 10 December;

·         In respect of the Action Plan for the District, the Strategic Director: Services (Interim) reported that focus on the District challenge had already commenced. However, it was empathised that the Council would be an influencer in the District carbon neutrality action plan along with other agencies and partners and establishing a collaborative working practice would be key at these initial stages;

·         The importance of offsetting on the overall target was recognised and would be essential if the Council is to achieve a zero carbon target by 2024;

·         Reference was made to the omission of various industries (i.e. clothing and agriculture) for inclusion  in the Action Plan going forward;

·         It was agreed that a number of short term measures should be included to demonstrate intent;

·         The Strategic Director: Services (Interim) highlighted the requirement for additional resource (staffing and financial) and these would be detailed in the final Action Plan.


At the conclusion of debate, in general, Members supported the way forward on the Action Plan and thanked officers for their informative presentation.





That the presentation be noted and the Cabinet Member for Environment have regard to the comments set out above.




Supporting documents:


m - Climate Emergency Action Plan - Presentation{sidenav}{content}