1. That the rolling three year CIL spending programme set out in Appendix A to Report CAB3194 be approved.
2. That the allocation of £635,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts as set out in Section 12.4 of the report and its expenditure under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4 be approved. This includes the allocation of funding for the twelve community led projects recommended by the Informal Panel, subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:
2.1 Abbotts Barton and Hyde Scout Group – Scout and Community Hall
2.2 Colden Common Parish Church- community facility improvements
2.3 Colden Common Parish Council – Footway improvements and upgrades
2.4 Durley Parish Council – Crossing point near school
2.5 Littleton and Harestock Parish Council- Parkour sports facility
2.6 Otterbourne Parish Council – Zebra Crossing facility
2.7 Shedfield Parish Council – Sports pavilion extension and refurbishment
2.8 Twyford Parish Council – Extension of community car park
2.9 Twyford parish Council – Footway/Cycleway upgrade
2.10 Upham Parish Council – Traffic calming and gateway scheme
2.11 Wickham Parish Council – Play equipment and upgrade to sports ground
2.12 Havant Borough Council – Completion of missing cycle link
3. That the bringing forward £135,000 of the CIL funded community projects budget from 2020/21 to 2019/20 be approved to bring the total 2019/20 budget to £635,000.
4. That allocation of £675,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts be approved as set out in Section 12.6 of the report. This is for the allocation of funding for the three Council-led projects recommended by the Informal Panel subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:
3.1 South Downs Way and Blackpath Access Works;
3.2 Station Approach Public Realm Improvements (provisional allocation to be reviewed after 12 months);
3.3 Chilcomb Sports Pavilion Improvements.
5. That the Central Government revisions to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2019, as set out in Appendix B of the report be noted.
Councillor Porter introduced the report and welcomed the proposals to award CIL fundings to a number of projects. The Council would contact unsuccessful applicants to offer advice and assistance with their application should they wish to apply again.
Linda Warren (Chair of Open Space Shedfield Parish Council) spoke during public participation in support of the Parish Council’s project which was recommended to receive funding (Recommendation 2.7). In summary, she explained why improvements to the existing pavilion were required and had brought along additional background documentation in support of the application.
The Leader thanked Ms Warren for her comments and asked that she leave the documentation with the officer team
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Williams addressed Cabinet as summarised below:
· As a ward councillor, support for the proposed CIL funding for a zebra crossing facility in Otterbourne;
· The crossing was vital on a busy main road which was likely to experience increased traffic with the scheduled upgrade to the M3 motorway;
· Recognised that County Council input was also required.
Councillor Porter thanked Councillor Williams for her comments and confirmed that the County Council would be involved.
In response to the announcement made regarding Station Approach earlier in the meeting (and noted above), Councillor Weir proposed an amendment to Recommendation 4 of the Report to include the words “provisional allocation to be reviewed after 12 months” after the existing words in Recommendation 4.2. This was agreed.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the rolling three year CIL spending programme set out in Appendix A to Report CAB3194 be approved.
2. That the allocation of £635,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts as set out in Section 12.4 of the report and its expenditure under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4 be approved. This includes the allocation of funding for the twelve community led projects recommended by the Informal Panel, subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:
2.1 Abbotts Barton and Hyde Scout Group – Scout and Community Hall
2.2 Colden Common Parish Church- community facility improvements
2.3 Colden Common Parish Council – Footway improvements and upgrades
2.4 Durley Parish Council – Crossing point near school
2.5 Littleton and Harestock Parish Council- Parkour sports facility
2.6 Otterbourne Parish Council – Zebra Crossing facility
2.7 Shedfield Parish Council – Sports pavilion extension and refurbishment
2.8 Twyford Parish Council – Extension of community car park
2.9 Twyford parish Council – Footway/Cycleway upgrade
2.10 Upham Parish Council – Traffic calming and gateway scheme
2.11 Wickham Parish Council – Play equipment and upgrade to sports ground
2.12 Havant Borough Council – Completion of missing cycle link
3. That the bringing forward £135,000 of the CIL funded community projects budget from 2020/21 to 2019/20 be approved to bring the total 2019/20 budget to £635,000.
4. That allocation of £675,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts be approved as set out in Section 12.6 of the report. This is for the allocation of funding for the three Council-led projects recommended by the Informal Panel subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:
4.1 South Downs Way and Blackpath Access Works;
4.2 Station Approach Public Realm Improvements (provisional allocation to be reviewed after 12 months);
4.3 Chilcomb Sports Pavilion Improvements.
5. That the Central Government revisions to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2019, as set out in Appendix B of the report be noted.
Supporting documents: