Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget 2020/21 & Business Plan (SC018 & CAB3214)


(Audio Recording and Report ref: SC018 & CAB3214)

Councillor Learney, the Strategic Director: Services (Interim) and the Housing Finance and Resources Manager set out the key proposals within the report. Councillor Learney updated the Committee regarding fire safety proposals and climate change initiatives relating to the Council’s housing stock.

The Committee asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers and Councillor Learney accordingly. At the conclusion of questions and debate, the Committee agreed that there were no particular matters that it wished to raise for Cabinet to further consider.


That the Housing Revenue Account Budget 2020/21 & Business Plan be noted.

Supporting documents:


m - Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget 2020/21 & Business Plan (SC018 & CAB3214){sidenav}{content}