Agenda item

Progress Report on West Of Waterlooville MDA WWF112



Mr Tilbury and Mr Hughes introduced the report.


Mr Hughes explained that Lisa Turley from Grainger was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.


Arising out of consideration of the item relating to the commencement of works on the southern access, Forum members asked questions on the timing of the opening of the southern access from Purbrook to the Taylor Wimpey development in the context of the commencement of the proposal by AQUIND to install the high voltage ‘interconnector’ cable as part of a national infrastructure project.


Concerns were raised that the timing of works could lead to the Purbrook to Taylor Wimpey development access being used as a shortcut for vehicles trying to avoid disruptive installation works.  This might alter driver behaviour on a long term basis and increase traffic flows through the development.  A member commented that the delays caused by the recent felling of trees by the Ladybridge Roundabout gave an indication of the disruption that could arise.  It was pointed out that a ‘cross country’ route for AQUIND works could avoid very extensive works on the public highway and reduce the scope for disruption.


The officers advised that meetings had been held between Grainger, Southwick Estates and AQUIND.  AQUIND appeared to wish to deal with one public body that had authority to provide them with the necessary permits and access they required.  The Forum could make representation to Hampshire County Council for them to give reassurance concerning methods to mitigate the impact of the works on traffic movements and also a submission could be made to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the proposal’s consultation.


It was noted that AQUIND would be attending a meeting of the Southwick and Widley Residents Association’s Annual General Meeting to be held on the 28 November at 7.15 pm.


A member stated that the traffic issues relating to the stretch of highway between Hambledon Road and the Denmead roundabout remained to be resolved.  An overall strategy was required and these matters had been raised with the Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment at Hampshire County Council.  A member further commented that a traffic movement strategy was required for the Havant area including Hambledon Road.  Mr. Tilbury stated that on behalf of the Forum a letter would be sent to Councillor Humby and Stuart Jarvis (Director of Economy, Transport and Environment) at Hampshire County Council to express the Forum’s concerns at this issue and that traffic be considered on a coordinated basis as a whole.


It is also stated by a member that the shoulders on Darnel Road had been included as a temporary measure during construction but had now been made permanent and this had led to car parking within them.  Mr. Tilbury stated that this situation could be reviewed when Hampshire County Council came to adopt the highway as representation could then be made by Newlands Parish Council as to whether the shoulders should be removed or retained.


In addition, it was raised that the access route to the Waste Cycling Centre from Darnel Road was a temporary measure and that the intended route in the Master Plan was access from the motorway and this had not been adhered to.  Mr. Tilbury stated that signage was required and it could be raised with Hampshire County Council that the original intended access as stated in the Master Plan was now available.


At the invitation of the Chair, Mrs Tingle representing Newlands Parish Council in summary commented on the following:

·         The surfacing of the main spine road would be completed by the end of the week and road marking lines required painting, including double yellow lines to help traffic through flow.

·         The closure of the Sickle Way and its potential impact on traffic movements was awaited.

·         The planning application for additional industrial units near the waste recycling facility was awaited.

·         The new owners of the Thomas Sanderson site would be approached regarding the provision of a connecting footpath.

·         Signage on Ayrshire Road needed to be in place to inform motorists that it was a dead end and did not provide access to the Recycling Centre.

·         A sign should be installed on Tamworth Road stating the opening and closure times of the recycling site.


Mr Hughes stated that he would liaise with Newlands Parish Council over the resolution of these issues.


A member asked if the potential blocking off of Sickle Way and the implication for the access of emergency vehicles could be reviewed prior to its adoption by Hampshire County Council.  Mr Tilbury stated that Hampshire County Council as Highway Authority could review this in the light of experience and taking into consideration the views of Newlands Parish Council and the other constituent authorities of the Forum as required.


Public participation


Rebecca Marsden


In answer to a question from Rebecca Marsden, Mr Hughes stated that the Berewood local centre consultation closed on the 1 November and further engagement would now be by the planning consultation process.


Mr Mitchell, Taylor Wimpey’s Adoption Manager, stated that in respect of the trees in the meadow area that had died and required replacement he would be meeting with those involved in the landscaping of the public open space to deal with such issues and that replanting may take place next year.


It was clarified that the oak trees for Berewood had been planted near Cutler’s Farm and Rebecca Marsden stated that there were further donated trees available for planting for environmental uses.


It was asked that emergency vehicle access was preserved during the AQUIND cable installation period and also at the Sickle Way access to Hambledon Road (which was to be closed).


Rebecca Marsden spoke of the future maintenance of the open area of land to be managed by Newlands Parish Council and the clarity that had been given to local residents as to whether the cost would be borne by the Parish Council through its Precept or by Winchester City Council through its Council Tax.


Mr. Tilbury explained that it was normal that under a Section 106 Agreement a commuted sum would be given to the parish for the maintenance of open space, with the parish council then undertaking a long-term maintenance programme through its own precept.  If the open space was retained by the City Council it would be obliged to treat it as a special expense to be charged to the local people.  The precept at Newlands Parish Council would increase over time as the commuted sum was depleted and more open space was taken on by the Parish.


Neil Lander Brinkley added that it had been clear during the formation process how the Section 106 Public Open Space charges would be apportioned and the outcome was better for the residents of the area.


Rebecca Marsden provided detail on the drainage situation in the park alongside Hambledon Road (drainage pipe between Cotswold Way and Hambeldon Road) adopted by Havant Borough Council.  Both foul and surface water backed up through the manhole cover causing flooding and pollution following a pressure build-up within the drainage system.  This flooding flowed into the park and could also affect the drainage of nearby housing.  Mr Mitchell representing Taylor Wimpey informed the meeting that there was a problem with Southern Water’s sewers that were connected to the pumping station and it was Southern Water’s responsibility under the Section 104 agreement to resolve.  Southern Water was monitoring the situation with a view to resolution.


Rebecca Marsden continued that the problems with the sewers influenced the adoption of the estate’s drainage.  It was suggested by members of the Forum that Southern Water be kept informed of the drainage issues and that Ofwat, the Water Services Regulation Authority, and the Environment Agency also be informed.  Rebecca Marsden asked that with the forthcoming developments of Carpenter Field and South Berewood to be approved could Southern Water be influenced through the Planning system.


Winchester City Councillor Judith Clementson added that she appreciated the work carried out by Rebecca Marsden as the drainage was a problem for residents and asked if the Forum could lead on an action plan to resolve outstanding issues, including traffic concerns on Hambledon Road.


The Chair replied that there was consensus within the Forum on the points raised and that a letter to Southern Water asking for clarification on the points discussed would be sent on the Forum’s behalf.


Councillor Judith Clementson continued that she agreed with earlier comments regarding the shoulders on Darnel Road and that a barrier was required to stop car parking, including parallel car parking.  This situation was repeated on other parts of the development including the entrance to Newlands Park and required action as it was dangerous.




That the Progress Report be noted and on behalf of the Forum:


1.      That a letter be sent to Councillor Humby (Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment) at Hampshire County Council and Stuart Jarvis (Director of Economy, Transport and Environment) at Hampshire County Council to express the Forum’s concerns at traffic issues relating to the stretch of highway between Hambledon Road and the Denmead roundabout and that traffic in the Waterlooville area be considered on a coordinated basis as a whole.


2.      That a letter be sent to Southern Water asking for clarification on the points discussed regarding drainage.


3.      That representation be made to Hampshire County Council to seek reassurance concerning methods to mitigate the impact of the AQUIND works on traffic movements on London Road and/or the Berewood Estate and to consider making a submission to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the proposal’s consultation.


Supporting documents:


m - Progress Report on West Of Waterlooville MDA WWF112{sidenav}{content}