1. Traffic Regulation Order for Zone X be amended to include waiting and parking restrictions covering seven days a week and until 10pm, and the uncontrolled section of Dell Road as outlined on the attached Plan 810402/396/007A.
2. Traffic Regulation Order for Zone X2 be introduced in part; for part of Gordon Road and Fivefields Road, and for the full length of Nelson Road and St Leonards Road (excluding the unadopted section)as shown on attached Plan 810402/396/004A. The introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order to cover the remaining X2 area as shown hatched on Plan 810402/396/004A be deferred in order to monitor and assess the impact of the introduction of new and amended Traffic Regulation Orders.
3. The Head of Programme be authorised to determine the precise detail of the area of the Traffic Regulation Order for Zone X2 in accordance with the practicalities of such implementation.
4. The Traffic Regulation Order for Zone X3 be introduced as advertised and outlined on attached Plan 810402/396/005.
5. That traffic flow and parking within the area of the amended Traffic Regulation Order(s) be monitored, including in respect of bus service operations through the area.
6. The Service Lead – Legal be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Orders in accordance with the above decisions.
Supporting documents: