Agenda item

Nitrate Neutrality


1.            That the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement at Appendix A of Report CAB3219 be approved and it be recognised that the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement will form a policy basis for the Statutory Planning Authority in considering planning applications for residential development outside the South Downs National Park within the District with immediate effect.


2.            That any minor changes to the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement be delegated to the Service Lead for Built Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing.


3.            That a report be brought to Cabinet in six months up-dating progress made on the nitrates neutrality issue.



Councillor Porter summarised the background to the current proposals and the solution proposed as set out in appendix A to the report.


Four members of the public/representatives of local businesses spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.


Robert Carter (Millgate Winchester Ltd)

Thanked the Cabinet Member and officers for work on producing the position statement and offered to continue to work with the Council in developing proposals further.  Creating a means to offer mitigation for the nitrogen load of a development was key and highlighted that Grampian conditions were not suitable for small  sites. A full time dedicated council officer to deal with this issue was required.  Emphasised the importance of re-wilding to tackle the climate emergency.


David Ashe

Welcomed the proposals as a first step and agreed a full time council officer was required.  Emphasised the priority to reduce the amount of nitrates in the Solent which would require measures to remove nitrate pollution from both new and existing households, together with agriculture.  This would require the involvement of the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH).


Tony Langridge

Emphasised the difficulties for smaller developers and those well progressed within the planning system to deal with issue.  Suggested working with the Wildlife Trust who had a wilding strategy in place together with the experience and capacity to manage land.  The Trust was developing standard legal documentation which could be used across local authorities and had engaged with both PfSH and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).


Ian Tait (Pallador Associates Ltd)

Welcomed the paper together with the commitment for ongoing work to tackle this issue over the coming months.  Would also welcome the written confirmation of support from the Winchester MP.


At the invitation of the Leader, two Councillors addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Brook

Welcomed the paper and proposals to tackle the issue as a priority.  Would there be further consideration of planting nitrate absorbing plants?  Would there be consultation on the offsite mitigation and would there be ongoing discussions and support offered to developers.


Councillor Pearson

Welcomed paper and emphasised that nitrates from waste water had been an issue for many years.  Solutions must involve Southern Water taking steps.


Cabinet Members responded to comments made emphasising the priority with which this issue was regarded. 


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.            That the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement at Appendix A of the report be approved and it be recognised that the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement will form a policy basis for the Statutory Planning Authority in considering planning applications for residential development outside the South Downs National Park within the District with immediate effect.


2.            That any minor changes to the Nitrate Neutrality Position Statement be delegated to the Service Lead for Built Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing.


3.            That a report be brought to Cabinet in six months up-dating progress made on the nitrates neutrality issue.

Supporting documents:


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