Agenda item

Public Participation.

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum


(Audio Recording)


The Chairperson welcomed approximately 20 residents to the meeting and two residents addressed the Forum.


Hazel Croft Phillips spoke to the Forum regarding local wildlife issues. She explained that Bovis Homes had previously provided information regarding their plans to support local wildlife but she wanted to understand the plans of other developers.


The Strategic Director: Services advised that Hilary Oliver had recently been appointed to the role of North Whiteley Implementation Officer. A key aspect of this role included communicating these types of issues to all developers and obtaining feedback for residents, Parish/Town Councils and the Forum.


Philip Heathcote addressed the Forum regarding road safety issues connected with the A3051. He believed that the original plans proposed a 30mph speed limit between the northern access and the western access and enquired whether this remained the case. He also noted that the road had become worn and whether there was a remediation plan for it. Finally, he asked about the potential increase in traffic movements between Whiteley Meadows and the Horse and Jockey pub and the safety of pedestrians walking this route in the future.


The Strategic Director: Services informed that these points would be passed to officers at Hampshire County Council for a response which would be fed back. 


With the agreement of the Chairperson, Cllr M Evans brought an issue to the attention of the Forum regarding Whiteley Wanderers Football Club who run 30 teams with over 400 registered players aged six and above. Councillor Evans referred to the provision of new pitches as part of the development and of the current issues the Club was experiencing with pitch availability. Councillor Evans wished to advise the Forum that the Town Council and the Football Club were preparing a case for submission to Winchester City Council requesting that the pitches be built as soon as possible in advance of the secondary school.


The Strategic Director: Services advised that he understood the current timetable for this development to be 2024 but that the submission from the Town Council and Football Club could be considered by the City Council when received. 




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