Agenda item

Draft terms of reference (including the way the Group will operate)


The proposed terms of reference had been circulated to Group Members prior to the meeting as set out below:


The purpose of the Advisory Group is to receive updates and discuss matters relating to the preparation of the Council’s Local Plan and to assist the Cabinet and Council in their decision making so as to ensure:


·         that the preparation of the Local Plan is integrated with the wider aims and objectives of the Council on behalf of its communities

·         that Members are actively informed on progress on the Local Plan and provided with appropriate opportunities to participate in policy development

·         that there is a shared understanding of issues relating the preparation of the evidence base, arrangements for community involvement, duty to cooperate with neighbouring authorities, preparation and publication of documents and associated public consultation. 

·         that there are high levels of public engagement with the preparation of the Local Plan


Whilst noting that decision making is a matter for Cabinet and Council, the Advisory Group may be expected to comment upon:


·         the implications of the emerging evidence base and arrangements for community involvement; publication of preparatory draft documents and associated public consultation.

·         any Local Plan document for initial consultation;

·         any Proposed Submission Local Plan Document prior to submission to the Secretary of State.

·         the Inspector’s report and recommended modifications after the Examination.


Whilst it will normally meet in public the Advisory Group may meet privately to discuss matters which are confidential or policy related at the discretion of the Chairperson. As a non-decision making body the format of information and advice to the Advisory Group will primarily be by presentation and oral update rather than written report.  A brief minute of the Advisory Group will be taken.


The Strategic Director responded to Members’ questions and the following points were clarified:

  • As an informal group, it was not authorised to request any work be carried out.  However, under delegated powers, the Cabinet Member could give such authorisation, taking advice from the Group.
  • In exceptional circumstances, it might be necessary to hold the meetings in private (for example, if considering commercially sensitive information) but the intention was to meet in public as far as possible.
  • The meeting was not part of the formal decision-making process.  A brief minute would be produced, in the form of action points, and meetings would be audio recorded. 
  • The timings and frequency of meetings would be arranged to tie in with the Local Development Scheme (LDS) schedule.  Future dates would be discussed with the Cabinet Member and published as soon as possible.
  • The LDS had been approved at Cabinet on 11 March 2020 with the proposed new Plan period being extended to 2038.


Action agreed:

  • That the terms of office of the advisory group be agreed as set out in italics above.
  • That the group would meet in public, apart from in exceptional circumstances where the particular subject matter required a meeting to be held in private.
  • That future dates and times for the group be agreed and published as soon as possible.



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