Agenda item

Hayden Barn Cottage, Hayden Lane, Warnford (case no: SDNP/20/00708/FUL)


Item 11: (Retrospective) Erection of private recreational stable to be used in association with Hayden Barn Cottage.

Hayden Barn Cottage, Hayden Lane, Warnford, SO32 3LF

Case number: SDNP/20/00708/FUL


The Service Lead: Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which stated that key colours on the presentation had been changed to enhance clearness and that one additional letter of objection had been received from Kim Boog on behalf of the Birds of Prey Hospital.


In addition, a verbal update was made at the meeting that an additional letter of objection had been received regarding landscaping levels in the location site.


During public participation, Jackie Ware and Councillor Mark Rogers (Warnford Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Dan Roycroft (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillor Lumby spoke on this item as Ward Member.


In summary, Councillor Lumby highlighted the history of the area and location of the site in an area of outstanding natural beauty which is a route for tourists and cyclists. He referred to the pictures of the field before the retrospective work had been carried out and expressed strong concerns in respect of the already carried out with a road in the meadow and the raised height of the field and the damage this has caused and made reference to an alternative site at the top of the hill which would reduce disturbance to The Hayloft.


In addition, Councillor Lumby also referred to concerns regarding the noise, lighting, smell and drainage issues and in conclusion stated that the proposed application failed to comply on a number of points and would warrant a site visit being carried out prior to further consideration.


The Service Lead: Built Environment drew Members’ attention to several amendments to the conditions as set out in the report, should the Committee be minded to approve the application, this was as a result of the proposal being part retrospective and part relying on the relocation of the existing siting of the stable block to the proposed location. The changes to conditions were highlighted as follows: conditions 3 and 4 to be amended to align with the timeframe of condition 1, to read within one month of the grant of permission, details be submitted in respect of the roof materials and staining of the timber for approval by the local planning authority; that condition 6 be amended to state that there should be no external lighting and that if this was required, details should be submitted for approval by the local planning authority prior to installation; condition 7 (biodiversity enhancement plan) to align with the reduced timeframe of the conditions amended above; and condition 9 (storage of the horse manure and the stable waste) to be implemented at the same time as the building was relocated. 


At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to defer determination to a future meeting of the committee in order to allow for a pre-emptive site visit to view the proposal in the context of its location.


The Committee were reminded that, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, previous speakers would have the right to restate their comments when this application came back to committee for consideration

Supporting documents:


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