Agenda item

The Rod Box, London Road, Kings Worthy (case no: 19/02057/FUL)


Item 8: (AMENDED PLANS) Alterations to existing first floor flat reducing it from three bedrooms to two. First floor extension, loft conversion and roof alterations to create an additional two bedroom flat. Proposed single storey outbuilding to the rear of the property in addition to that previously permitted under application ref no. 18/02758/FUL. Alterations to existing parking layout at front and rear of property.

The Rod Box, London Road, Kings Worthy, SO23 7QN

Case number: 19/02057/FUL


The Service Lead: Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out: an additional letter that had been received from the church warden of St Mary’s Church expressing concern regarding access and the provision of parking vehicles for services; and additional wording to the following sections of the report: Consultations - Environment Service Lead: Environmental Protection, Highways/Parking and Landscape/Trees.


In addition, a verbal update was made at the meeting advising that the applicant had confirmed that the works to the access from St Mary’s Close were undertaken under the A1 and B1 mixed use. However, it was still considered that the new access could be determined under this application.


During public participation, Penny Westlake and Liam Presley spoke in objection to the application and Dan Salanson (applicant) and Jeremy Tyrell (agent) spoke in support of the application and all answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillor Porter spoke on this item as Ward Member.


In summary, Councillor Porter stated that she believed the applicants had outgrown their current premises and she had previously called in this application to committee. She considered that the application was overdevelopment of the plot in a conservation area taking up approximately 48% of the plot with no provision for storage and the use of commercial vehicles. She made reference to the break into St Mary’s Close which had taken place without the permission of residents who manage the road and this had caused dissension. The increase in traffic was expected to double and change in character which would impact on this popular walking route and cause excessive traffic demand on the road with bin collections, deliveries and collection of food which would have a daily impact on the green environment of the lane and route and the quality of the route for walking.


In addition, Councillor Porter stated that the applicants were using public highway spaces, that were the responsibility of Hampshire County Council, for loading, parking and waste storage space purposes which should not be used for this solely. In conclusion, she stated that she was raising objection to this application as she considered it was overdevelopment of the site in a conservation area.


During discussion, the planning case officer clarified that, if the committee were minded to approve the application, the applicant had agreed to an additional condition to state that delivery vehicles and lorry access the site from the front with restricted access to the rear for staff use only.


At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to refuse permission for the following reasons: The development to create a two bed flat and outbuilding for the business at the site with associated access and parking at the rear, results in overdevelopment, harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area and the intensification of the use proposed results in a detrimental impact to neighbour amenities. The exact wording to be delegated to the Service Lead: Built Environment for agreement in consultation with the Chair.


Supporting documents:


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