Agenda item

Consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme


That statutory consultation on the introduction of a new income banded / grid Council Tax Reduction scheme, effective from 1st April 2021 for working age applicants, be approved.



(CAB3253 and supplementary report)


Councillor Cutler introduced the report and explained that the scheme was required to be reviewed on an annual basis, with consultation required if significant changes were proposed.  The proposed changes aimed to simplify the scheme to reduce administrative costs and assist claimants’ understanding.  Following consideration at the Scrutiny Committee on 7 September 2020, an alternative income grid had been prepared and circulated as a supplementary paper.  It was proposed that this revised table replace the existing table at paragraph 11.15 of the report.


At the invitation of the Leader, two members of the shadow cabinet addressed the meeting, as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Godfrey

Noted the acknowledged success nationally of the existing scheme and generally welcomed proposals to simplify it.  However, questioned whether introducing banding could have a negative impact on claimants with the possibility of “cliff edges”.  Also queried the effectiveness of any consultation due to the complicated nature of the scheme and proposals.


Councillor Horrill

Thanked Councillor Cutler and officers for producing the revised table in response to comments made by Scrutiny Committee.  Reiterated comments made at Scrutiny Committee about utilising council resources to ensure the consultation documents were as easy to understand as possible.  On consultations in general, requested that the Council make more use of the technology available to engage virtually with members of the public.


Councillor Cutler responded to comments made, including highlighting that the level of detail was required in the consultation with other precepting authorities but further consideration would be given to how best to communicate with the public more generally.  Other comments made would be taken into account as part of the consultation process.


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




That statutory consultation on the introduction of a new income banded / grid Council Tax Reduction scheme, effective from 1st April 2021 for working age applicants, be approved.


Supporting documents:


m - Consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme{sidenav}{content}