Agenda item

Consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme

Report references SC030 and CAB3253.


Report ref SC030 and CAB3253


The deputy leader and cabinet member for finance and risk introduced the report which was being presented to cabinet on the 16 September 2020. The report requested permission to undertake statutory consultation with the public and the major precepting authorities in respect of proposed changes to the city council’s council tax reduction scheme. These changes would take effect from 1st April 2021.  It was recommended that scrutiny committee comment on the proposals within the report.


The committee asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers and the deputy leader accordingly. The committee agreed to pass comments to cabinet as set out below.





At the conclusion of questions and debate, the committee agreed to pass the following points to cabinet.


1.    that a review of the amended scheme be undertaken in the new year after a period of implementation, if changes are approved following the consultation


2.    that the consultation document be reviewed to ensure that it is clear, and if possible, trialled before large scale circulation



Supporting documents:


m - Consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme{sidenav}{content}