Report references SC034 and CAB3256.
Report ref SC034 and CAB3256
The deputy leader and cabinet member for finance and risk introduced the report which was being presented to cabinet on the 16 September 2020. The report proposed a revised budget to address the £5.1m deficit and to ensure that the council could balance the general fund budget by March 2021. It was recommended that scrutiny committee comment on the proposals within the report.
The committee asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers by the cabinet member for housing and asset management and the deputy leader accordingly. At the conclusion of questions and debate, it was noted that a range of views had been expressed and that not all members of the committee supported the recommendations within the report. It was requested that officers give further consideration of whether restricted reserves and in particular Community Infrastructure Levy funding could be considered as part of the capital programme.
1. that the comments of the committee are noted.
2. that officers give further consideration of whether restricted reserves and in particular Community Infrastructure Levy funding could be considered as part of the capital programme.
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