The Chairperson stated that on the 6 August 2020 the Government had published two papers for consultation. The first was a white paper: ‘Planning for the future’ which had a deadline for consultation on the 29October 2020. The second paper was entitled: ‘Changes to the current planning system’ with a deadline for response of the 1October 2020.
The Strategic Director’s presentation refers and the officers responded to Members’ questions on the following:
· How would high quality design be decided upon?
· How was the formula for housing allocations derived?
· The inter-relationship between the SDNP’s housing allocation and that of Winchester, as 40 per cent of the district's area was within the South Downs National Park.
· The definition of sustainable development and did it include infrastructure.
· The implications of removing the duty to cooperate with neighbouring authorities.
· The implications for neighbourhood plans, of which parish councils were very supportive and how communities could be involved in the local plan process.
· Methods for the city council to assist parish councils and local communities within a limited time period in order that the best designs and plans were included in the pattern book, in order that the new local plan could best meet the requirements of the new planning system. Village Design Statements and Neighbourhood Plans could assist towards achieving good design codes.
· That there should be cross political representation to the Government over its proposals and implications for the district and also the implications for the SDNP and Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) and other local authorities the area.
· The action that could be taken in the short term towards the renewal of the local plan. Neighbourhood Plans were involved and lengthy to produce and alternatives might be considered.
· How could localism be reflected in the local plan process, including Conservation Area Assessments and Village Design Statements.
· The city council's capacity to undertake the new local plan process and the skills that were available to deliver the new requirements and also the assistance that could be provided to local communities to assist in their preparation for the new local plan.
· For growth areas, whether the Pattern Design Book could lead to more uniform development that lacked individuality. In renewal areas how would neighbours be protected from development and how would Conservation Areas be approached? Would the design codes be suitable for Winchester’s smaller communities and how would the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be managed and infrastructure provided?
· The implications of the proposals for the future work of the Planning Committee.
· The short-term effect on the delivery of affordable housing if the threshold for contribution towards affordable houses was raised from 10 units to 40 or 50 units.
· That consideration be given to the council becoming a pilot authority for the new planning system. The advantage was that the council had already undertaken considerable work and had employed Consultants to develop a stand-alone website for the Local Plan but had put them on hold and would need to be reviewed in light of the emphasis on digital engagement. . Having the SDNP and PfSH and a historic core both to the city as well as the rural villages would put Winchester in a good position to be a pilot.
Following debate the following actions were agreed:
1. To proceed with Conservation Area Assessments and Village Design Statements and Area Design Assessments for the centre of Winchester.
2. To engage in discussions with the South Downs National Park, Partnership for South Hampshire, to lobby local Members of Parliament, and the Chamber of Commerce and related organisations in order that they understand the implications of the proposed changes.
3. To identify what the Government proposals would mean if the threshold for affordable housing was increased from 10 units to either 40 or 50 units and to be conscious that first homes link then to second homes and to last homes and to recognise this is important and also to consider the mix of affordable housing in relationship to home ownership.
4. That the council puts itself forward as a pilot authority for the new planning system.
5. That members of the Advisory Group be invited to virtually attend the parish council briefing on Monday 21September 2020 and also the meeting of the Winchester Town Forum to be held on Thursday 17September 2020.
6. That a work programme be prepared including engagement with local communities.
The meeting commenced at 5.00 pm and concluded at 6:55 pm
1. Chairperson |