Agenda item

Announcements from the Mayor, Leader and Chief Executive.


The Mayor made a number of announcements.


The Mayor’s thoughts were with the families and pupils of Henry Beaufort school in Winchester following the horrific incident earlier this month involving a school bus.  The Mayor gave credit to the swift action of the emergency services, including the city council who attended the scene.


The Mayor then announced that past mayors will have been particularly saddened to have learnt of the passing in July of former macebearer for the city council, Denis Price. Mr Price had carried the great mace for over 30 years, and the smaller maces for several years before that. Several past mayors and officers had attended Denis’ funeral in August.


The Mayor then referred to the unexpected death of Michael Fawcitt and paid tribute to him as a valued member of TACT in the role Communication Officer and as Chair of the Housing Management Delivery Group and as an enthusiastic participant in committee meetings.


The Mayor then reported on his recent visits to the Winchester Churches Nightshelter, as well as Trinity Winchester.  He had also taken the salute at the Phase One Passing Out Parade at Sir John Moore Barracks.


Continuing, the Mayor gave his thanks to ward members who had assisted in organising visits to their communities to enable him to show support and thanks to the local groups and organisations who helped support their residents so well during the lockdown. He was looking forward to visiting other wards in the near future.


The Mayor then announced that he had been honoured to had laid a wreath on behalf of the council at the war memorial at the cathedral on 15 August on the 75th anniversary of VJ Day.


The Mayor then referred to the recent launch of the Mayor of Winchester’s Local Hero award.  This award was to recognise people who had made a real difference during the COVID-19 pandemic.  It offered residents the chance to say thank you to all the unsung heroes across the Winchester district who have been putting others first during this extraordinary time.


The Mayor requested that members consider those Local Heroes in the communities that they represent who they would like to nominate.  Winners would receive a Mayor of Winchester Local Hero Award certificate.


The Mayor’s next announcement was with regard  to his recent presenting, in Abbey House, to the former Mayor, Councillor Eleanor Bell and her escort Mr Alex Bell, with their Past Mayor’s and Past Mayor’s Escort badges.  Also attending were the Leader of the Council, Councilor Thompson and the Chief Executive.  Following the presentation, Councillor Bell thanked the Mayor’s Secretary and the Events Assistant and the Senior Mace Bearer for their support to both her and her escort during her mayoral year.


Finally, the Mayor invited members to join him in offering the best thanks of council to Steve Tilbury, Strategic Director, who was leaving the council at the end of September after 18 years of service.


The Leader then made several announcements.


The Council was in advanced discussion with Courts and Tribunal Service with regard to the use of the Guildhall as one if its ‘Nightingale Courts’.  There were also plans to situate a local testing unit in Winchester.  Members would be updated in due course with regard to progress of both of these. Finally, the Leader advised that the next edition of About Winchester was about to go on line by the end of the week.


The Chief Executive, referred to recent government guidance regarding the COVID 19 pandemic. The Council had sent advice to businesses regarding the track and test app and the new QR code and had started work on the council’s approach to support those on low income who were to self-isolate as a response to a positive test. The council’s local response centre was still in place and the offices were now a ‘COVID secure workplace’ allowing staff to work at home or in the office as their job’s demand. The situation continued to be monitored carefully and all necessary actions would be taken to support the district over the coming months.


The Chief Executive then announced apologies for the meeting.



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