Agenda item

Public Participation

– to note the names of members of the public wishing to speak on general matters affecting the District or on agenda items

NB members of the public are required to register with Democratic Services three clear working days before the meeting (contact: or 01962 848 264). 



Six members of the public spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.


Chris Corcoran (Twyford Parish Council)

Spoke regarding report CAB3257 and highlighted the impact on the parish of the decision to not award a grant for the flood application scheme.  Following discussions with the Corporate Head of Regulatory about a way forward, he requested that the Parish Council be permitted to vire the £65,000 allocated for car park works to the flood mitigation scheme.  He also asked that the Parish Council meet with the County Council, the City Council and the South Downs National Park to discuss further.



The following five speakers spoke regarding report CAB3268.


Charles Radcliffe

On the general subject of Central Winchester regeneration, welcomed the various projects now coming forward such as at Kings Walk and Coitbury House.

Regarding CAB3268, highlighted that local residents had been informed that development of the Bar End depot would only take place following consultation, which had not taken place. Drew attention to a proposal for the community development trust to be established to develop the site.  If the Council did agree to sell to a developer, requested that it be at best consideration and the interests of local residents be put first.


Kim Gottlieb

Believed there had been a lack of public consultation regarding the future of the Bar End site and that if sold to a developer, the Council would effectively lose control over what was developed.  The preferred solution would be for the Council to develop the site itself, but if not possible, the next best proposal was for the site to be sold to a community development trust.  He requested that the Council give adequate time to the local community to create such a trust.


Janet Berry (Highcliffe Community Forum for Action)

Highlighted that the previous John Thompson planning report had labelled the depot a “nuisance neighbour” and it was essential that future proposals provided a development of benefit to the local community by providing facilities for local residents.  Concurred with previous comments about consultation not being undertaken prior to the decision to sell, despite residents previously been given this assurance.


Chris Allen

As a Highcliffe resident and member of the former Bar End Forum, highlighted the opportunity for the redevelopment of the depot site to provide much needed community facilities.  Emphasised that consultation with local residents on the future of the depot site had not been carried out to date and was specifically excluded from engagement on the new leisure centre.  Noted that the meetings of the Depot Insight Group were not held in public.  Considered that if consultation was left until under the planning application process this was too late for meaningful discussion.  Expressed concern that price alone would be the primary factor in the council’s decisions for the site future.


Geoff Wright

As a resident of Quarry Road and member of the former Bar End Forum, agreed with previous speakers regarding the lack of consultation, despite statements in the report to the contrary.  Considered that the Design Framework did not offer adequate protection regarding future uses of the site.  Requested that a residents’ engagement programme be established to ensure a mix of facilities was provided on the site whilst also providing a reasonable commercial return to the council.


The Leader thanked all those speaking for their contributions which would be considered under discussion of the relevant report(s) below.



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