That it be recommended to Council that*:
1. The Capital Programme and Capital Programme Financing (Appendices A and B to the report CAB3283) be approved.
2. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement (Appendix E) be approved.
3. The Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy (Appendix G) including the proposed use of capital receipts towards severance costs be approved.
4. The Prudential indicators detailed in the report and its appendices be approved.
*NB recommendations to Council are not subject to call-in
The following recommendations were approved by Cabinet (subject to call in):
5. That subject to Council approval of the capital programme, IMT equipment and software expenditure (£534,000 in 2021/22) be approved as detailed in paragraph 11.8.6 of report CAB3283.
6. That, subject to Council approval of the capital programme, approves additional expenditure of £250,000 on essential repairs to the Weirs as detailed in paragraph 11.2.2 of report CAB3283.
7. That authority be delegated to the S151 officer, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing and Asset Management to approve expenditure of up to £260,000 on decarbonisation works to City Offices, as outlined in paragraph 11.2.2, to enter into the grant agreement with Salix and to implement the project, subject to a satisfactory business case and Council approval of the capital programme.
8. That the requirement to ensure Members have the right knowledge and skills to undertake their governance role be noted.
Councillor Cutler introduced the report which set out the capital spending programme for the next ten years. He proposed an amendment to recommendation 7 of the report due to the Council receiving £260,000 from the Salix fund. This was agreed, as set out in the resolution below. In response to comments made by WinACC during public participation, Councillor Cutler highlighted that a number of capital projects would assist with tackling the climate emergency, but agreed that this aim could be stated more explicitly throughout the strategy.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Godfrey and Miller addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Councillor Godfrey
Emphasised the critical role of the capital budget, particularly during the current pandemic, and welcomed the proposals to deliver refurbishment and improvements to council housing stock through the Housing Revenue Account. However, he believed there were a lack of projects and proposals which would generate future income for expenditure within the General Fund. He cited a number of examples of council owned buildings which were currently unused. He considered there was also a shortage of investment in the council’s existing assets and overall the strategy lacked vision.
Councillor Miller
Welcomed some aspects of the report but overall believed that the lack of action on major projects was costing the council money. Highlighted that the aims and objectives of the Strategic Assets Purchase Scheme were not solely to generate income and cited the example of Unit 12, Winnall as providing a valuable service for the district.
The Leader and Cabinet Members responded to comments made including emphasising the current constraints on new use of some of the council buildings mentioned and the significant impact of the Covid pandemic in terms of the ability to predict the likely future demands and requirements of new capital projects.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the Capital Programme and Capital Programme Financing (appendices A and B of the report) be approved.
2. That the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement (appendix E of the report) be approved.
3. That the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy (appendix G of the report) including the proposed use of capital receipts towards severance costs be approved.
4. That the Prudential indicators detailed in the report and its appendices be approved.
5. That, subject to Council approval of the capital programme, IMT equipment and software expenditure (£534,000 in 2021/22) be approved, as detailed in paragraph 11.8.6 of the report.
6. That, subject to Council approval of the capital programme, additional expenditure of £250,000 on essential repairs to the Weirs be approved, as detailed in paragraph 11.2.2 of the report.
7. That authority be delegated to the S151 officer, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing and Asset Management to approve expenditure of up to £260,000 on decarbonisation works to City Offices, as outlined in paragraph 11.2.2, to enter into the grant agreement with Salix and to implement the project, subject to a satisfactory business case and Council approval of the capital programme.
8. That the requirement to ensure Members have the right knowledge and skills to undertake their governance role be noted.
Supporting documents: