1. That a period of consultation on the draft Central Winchester Regeneration development proposals commence from 11th November 2020 to 12th January 2021.
2. That the project team be instructed to progress the schemes for Kings Walk and Friarsgate Medical Centre to the next stage of decision making.
3. That it be noted that the emerging delivery strategy approach is to enter in to a development agreement with a development partner and a further report be brought to Cabinet that sets out the proposal for development in due course.
Councillor Learney introduced the report and emphasised that despite the pressure facing the Council due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, the regeneration of the Central Winchester area had remained a priority. The proposals in the report sought to address the requirements of the CWR Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and to deliver a financially viable scheme.
The Head of Programme gave a presentation on the proposals (presentation contained as Appendix B to the report). Councillor Learney also set out the timetable and contact options for the proposed consultation (further information available at
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Hutchison, Mather, Horrill, Brook and Lumby addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Councillor Hutchison
Welcomed the report and presentation and agreed with previous public speakers that the project should move forward as quickly as possible. However, with the exception of the proposals for Kings Walk, the report lacked detail and raised a number of questions (which she expected would be answered as the project proceeded). Listed a number of detailed points and queries for further consideration, including around the selection of the development partner, producing a master plan for the area and how would the Winchester Town Forum and other stakeholders be involved.
Councillor Mather
Highlighted the amount of consultation that had been undertaken on the CWR project already, for example in producing the SPD, and believed residents were weary of further consultation. Welcomed the proposals for Friarsgate surgery and the Kings Walk study, but with regard the latter, disputed whether the ideas would be commercially viable. Agreed with the idea of working with a development partner, but hoped that lessons would be learned from past experiences.
Councillor Horrill
Emphasised the extensive consultation undertaken by JTP in formulating the SPD and requested that future proposals adhere as closely as possible to these findings, including retaining the central bus hub. New ideas were welcomed where appropriate but the Council should not seek to “reinvent the wheel”. The proposed consultation event should be district wide. The development should be approached incrementally and the Council could seek to draw on the Oxford City Council’s experience of working in collaboration with specialist developers.
Councillor Brook
Generally welcomed the proposals outlined in the report and thanked the Projects Team for their work. Believed that the proposals for Kings Walk mirrored previous ideas for meanwhile use of the bus station and questioned whether additional monies were being spent unnecessarily on work already carried out. Welcomed the idea of a Creative Hub for Winchester. Considered that the project should be progressed by a cross party group.
Councillor Lumby
Requested further clarity on the future timetable for the project and what further approvals would be required. Welcomed the useful questions asked by Councillor Hutchison. Believed there were other development options available than the three presented in the report. Considered that the preferred approach should be to develop the area in sections using different developers. Further clarity was required on a number of questions, such as what would happen if a selected developer was unable to proceed.
Councillor Learney responded to comments made, including emphasising that it would be impracticable to wait for all uncertainties to be addressed before proceeding and that the involvement of multiple developers would add to the time and complexity of the project. She stated that a number of the detailed points raised would be addressed as the project moved forward. Virtual consultation would enable participation by the whole district. The Strategic Director: Place also thanked invited councillors and members of the public/organisations for the points raised, which had been noted. He responded to a number of comments, including emphasising that the delivery strategy represented an emerging direction of travel and that officers worked closely with the County Council regarding the impact of the Movement Strategy on the project. It was proposed that a further report would be submitted to Cabinet in February 2021.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That a period of consultation on the draft Central Winchester Regeneration development proposals commence from 11 November 2020 to 12 January 2021.
2. That the project team be instructed to progress the schemes for Kings Walk and Friarsgate Medical Centre to the next stage of decision making.
3. That it be noted that the emerging delivery strategy approach is to enter in to a development agreement with a development partner and a further report be brought to Cabinet that sets out the proposal for development in due course.
Supporting documents: