The forum was addressed by the following speakers:
Amanda Grey provided the forum with an overview of the role of the primary care network (PCN). She explained that its purpose was to integrate services which had traditionally operated separately such as mental health services, physiotherapy and social care. Each PCN had teams of healthcare professionals, including GPs, pharmacists, district nurses, community paramedics, physiotherapists and other health workers, to provide care for patients.
Members asked several questions and made comments regarding; car parking provision, online versus in-person medical consultation and the need for a satellite building or service in the locality. These were responded to by Ms Grey accordingly. Councillor Huxstep invited Ms Grey and her team to provide an update at a future meeting of the Hampshire County Council Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee. Finally, it was agreed that a meeting would be arranged with relevant parties to further discuss the options relating to the car parking issues discussed.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Grey and invited her back to provide an update at a future meeting.