Agenda item

Developer update



Mr Davis of WYG provided the forum with a detailed update and presentation concerning a range of issues, the slides of which were available on the council’s website. Items discussed included:   


·         reserved matters applications

·         housing starts and completions

·         Bluebell Way

·         Cornerstone primary school

·         Botley Road – Northern Access Junction

·         Whiteley Way North

·         Curbridge Way

·         Other highways update


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding;


·         the signalisation of Kings corner

·         the opening date for Bluebell Way

·         the programme of works relating to the proposed secondary school

·         the footpath/cycleway to Botley railway station

·         the anticipated completion date for package R1A

·         the perceived narrowness of a section of Botley Road


These points were responded to by Mr Davis and officers accordingly.


Concerning the opening date for Bluebell Way, the forum asked Mr Davis to relay their wish for Bluebell Way to be opened before Christmas if all works and sign-offs had been completed. Regarding the secondary school development, it was agreed to include an update to this in the report for the next meeting. Finally, concerning the narrow section of Botley Road, the Chairperson agreed to discuss with Mr Davis outside of the meeting.





Supporting documents:


m - Developer update{sidenav}{content}