Report Reference: NWDF13
1. That the content of the report be noted.
(Report NWDF13 refers)
The Forum received and noted the report of the Implementation Officer which provided an update on progress with issues relating to the North Whiteley Major Development Area. The key issues reported and summarised were:
Members asked several questions and made comments regarding;
Regarding the compliance with the established design code and future governance plans, it was agreed that the officer report for the next meeting would include an update on these items. Concerning the public engagement issues raised, Mrs Pinnock explained that officers would begin to compile an email distribution list of residents who could be advised of local events and meetings taking place.
Mr Stewart from Hampshire County Council (HCC) updated the Forum on the progress being made at M27 Junction 9 which began on the 1st June 2020 and was due for overall completion in the Summer of 2022.
Mr Fisher from Hampshire County Council (HCC) Highways Development Planning team introduced himself to the forum. Mr Fisher had recently taken on this role and would be providing an update to forum members via email.
1. That the content of the report be noted.
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