Item 14: Extension to Wickham Surgery of 3.8m (namely the Gudgeon Wing) and alterations to roof void (currently used as storage) to provide an additional 12 no. GP consulting rooms. Associated external works with hard and soft landscaping.
Wickham Group Surgery, Houghton Way, Wickham, PO17 5GU
Case number: 20/01484/FUL
The Service Lead - Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out amendments and points of clarification to the following areas of the report: an amendment to ‘Impact on Character of the Area’, an addition to the ‘Design/Layout’ and clarification of the number of letters supporting and objecting to the proposal and details of an additional representation received from Geoff Phillpotts (Vice Chair Wickham Community Land Trust).
During public participation, Wendy Greenish (on behalf of Wickham Society and Wickham Residents’ Association) and Geoff Phillpotts (on behalf of Wickham Community Land Trust) spoke in objection to the application and Councillor Loraine Rappe (Wickham Parish Council), Ed Kennedy, Dr Ben Inglis and Martyn Rogers spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
During public participation, Councillor Cutler spoke on this item as Ward Member.
In summary, Councillor Cutler stated that he was in support of the application as it provided a good, urgently required healthcare facility which was of importance to the local community. The surgery was currently at full capacity with significant waiting times reported. An additional facility would only improve the existing issues experienced by residents. He stated that he was satisfied with the assurances provided by Fareham Borough Council and developers that new residents at the anticipated Welborne development would not be registered at the Wickham surgery and would have alternative access to a new surgery to be provided on site.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives, set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to an additional informative: Recommend the applicants to liaise with other land owners using the road to the doctors’ surgery and other facility and services to consider the display of signage in order to make users aware of the presence of pedestrians within the surrounding road network and also be considerate to others when parking.
That the decisions taken on the Planning Applications in relation to those applications outside and inside the area of the South Downs National Park be agreed as set out in the decision relating to each item, subject to the following:
(i) That in respect of item 8 (93-95 Olivers Battery Road
South, Olivers Battery: Case number: 19/02852/FUL)
permission be granted for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to additional wording: to Condition 4 (bullet point 3) ‘including retention of existing landscaping features within the site’.
(ii) That in respect of item 9 (112 Teg Down Meads,
Winchester (Case number: 20/01390/FUL) permission be refused for the following reasons: contrary to policy CP13 of Local Plan Part 1 and policies DM15 and DM16 of Local Plan Part 2 by reason of the number and size of the units, resulting in an overdevelopment of the site, out of keeping with the pattern and spatial characteristics of the area to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area.
(iii) That in respect of item 12 (The Old Bank, High Street, West Meon - Case number: SDNP/19/015173/FUL) determination of the application be deferred to a future meeting of the committee, in order to allow for a site visit to view the proposal in the context of its location and to assess access and overlooking issues.
(iv) That in respect of item 14 (Wickham Group Surgery, Houghton Way, Wickham - Case number: 20/01484/FUL) permission be granted for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives, set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to an additional informative: Recommend the applicants to liaise with other land owners using the road to the doctors’ surgery and other facility and services to consider the display of signage in order to make users aware of the presence of pedestrians within the surrounding road network and also be considerate to others when parking.
Supporting documents: