Agenda item

Local Plan Action Plan - Presentation and Action Plan



The Strategic Planning Manager gave a presentation on the Local Plan Action Plan.


The Strategic Planning Manager and Corporate Head of Regulatory responded to Members’ questions on the following:


·         What additional measures would be in place to engage with the Gypsy and travelling show peoples’ communities?


·         What were the implications of the proposal to designate a new green belt?


·         What approach was the South Downs National Park Authority adopting?


·         Further clarification regarding the content of design codes and whether these would vary for different locations, including different parts of the town centre.


·         What additional engagement and assistance would be provided to areas of the district which did not currently have any existing form of design code?


·         Would the government provide additional resources to compensate for the extra work required in response to the White Paper, for example to enable the mapping system for the digital engagement work?


·         To reflect the Council’s climate emergency declaration, would the consultation on the Strategic Issues and Priorities offer the opportunity for responses favouring protecting green spaces and biodiversity?


·         Could the Local Plan be utilised to assist with future planning for accommodation for students?  Was there future possibility for additional Article 4 directions to limit the numbers of houses in multiple accommodation?


·         Further clarification of the meaning of the Urban Capacity Assessment and how this would be undertaken.


·         Requested an update on the ongoing discussions with the Partnership for South Hampshire and other local authorities’ views on the issue of greenbelt.


·         The rationale of the Council’s proposed public consultation in February/March 2021 being undertaken at a high level, but at the same time seeking comments on the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), without inclusion of specific housing sites or a housing target from government.


·         Requested further information on the proposed role of the Chief Officer for Design and Statement.


·         Would the “call for sites” also include a call for employment land?  The risk of employment land being lost to meet additional housing requirements.


·         The importance of adequate infrastructure provision in planning for the future.


·         The inclusion of County Council owned land in the SHELAA.


·         The importance of clarity in the consultation regarding the exact status and purpose of the SHELAA.



At the invitation of the Chairperson, Councillor Bell addressed the Group as summarised briefly below:

Welcomed the confirmation that the “call for sites” would include employment land and highlighted recent examples of employment sites being converted to housing.  Expressed concern about the recent publication by a private developer of proposals for a “Royal Down” development of 5,000 dwellings between Hursley and Olivers Battery.  Emphasised the significant impact such a large scale development would have on a number of nearby areas.  In addition, highlighted that Hursley was already at risk of ground water flooding which would be exacerbated by such a proposal.  Sought confirmation that the development proposal was premature and unacceptable.


In response, Councillor Porter and the Strategic Planning Manager reiterated previous reassurances about the status of the SHELAA as a list of all sites that had been submitted for consideration for future development by developers and/or landowners.  Inclusion in the SHELAA was not confirmation that a site would be developed and each site would be assessed against the same criteria.


Councillor Porter highlighted that the best method for members of the public and other interested parties to be kept informed was to sign up to receive a residents’ newsletter – link available via the front page of the Council’s website:


As a result of points raised and discussions thereon, the following action points were agreed:


  • The “call for sites” be expanded to include custom build homes (it was also confirmed it would include employment land).


  • The consultation should emphasise that brownfield sites would be prioritised over greenfield sites.


  • The wording in the Action Plan relating to the options for accommodating growth should be redrafted to clarify the exact status and purpose of the SHELAA.



Members thanked officers for their work in producing the draft Action Plan.  The Corporate Head of Regulatory confirmed that the Action Plan would be submitted to Cabinet on 16 December 2020 and the consultation document to Cabinet on 20 January 2021.





The meeting commenced at 4.00 pm and concluded at 5.50 pm






Supporting documents:


m - Local Plan Action Plan - Presentation and Action Plan{sidenav}{content}