Agenda item

Consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities


(1)   That the Strategic Issues & Priorities Document, as attached to report CAB3278 at Appendix 1, and publication and eight week public consultation under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be approved.


(2)   That authority be delegatedto theStrategicPlanning Manager, inconsultation withthe Cabinet Member forBuiltEnvironment & Well Being, to undertake updating, drafting of any amendments and the visualization of the Strategic Issues & Priorities document required priorto publication and consultation on the document.


(3)   That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment & Wellbeing, to amend the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to include consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities document in February/March 2021.





Councillor Porter introduced the report highlighting that the document would be consulting on the principles for the district and not specific sites.  She responded to the points raised during the public participation, including confirming that the meeting of the Local Plan Advisory Group (LPAG) on 11 January 2021 had been very useful and comments and suggestions made had been reflected in the Strategic Issues and Priorities document appended to the report.  In addition, a joint piece of work had been commissioned to investigate employment in the district with regard to the impact of the Covid pandemic.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Bell, Brook and Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Bell

Welcomed the announcement of the start date for the consultation and also the inclusion of carbon neutrality in the local plan.  Highlighting the public concern regarding the recent Royal Down land owner proposal, emphasised the importance of continuing to explain the status of the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).


Councillor Brook

Agreed with comments made during public participation that points made at the meeting of the LPAG did not appear to have been taken into account.  Believed that the consultation was Winchester town centre focussed with over regard for the Winchester Town Forum as opposed to parish councils.  In general, considered that the proposed consultation would not be meaningful and was a “tick box exercise”.


Councillor Horrill

Requested specific assurance from the Cabinet Member that the comments made at LPAG would be taken into account prior to the publication of the document.  Queried whether the Council could take a more innovative approach to the definition of brownfield sites, similar to that adopted by Hounslow Council (she offered to share this work with Officers and the Cabinet Member which was welcomed).  Considered that the information provided to residents in order to effectively respond to the consultation could be improved.


The Head of Regulatory, the Strategic Planning Manager and the Cabinet Member responded to comments made including reiterating that the points raised at LPAG by both Councillors, members of the public and parish councils had been very useful and been taken into account.  The wording of the consultation documents would be carefully considered to ensure it was readily understandable and “jargon free”.  It was noted that the consultation period would run for eight weeks and agreed that the report recommendations be amended to reflect this.


The Head of Regulatory and Strategic Planning Manager also answered Cabinet Member queries in relation to the definition and allocation of brownfield sites, the details of the consultation proposed (including with parish councils) and the process for any designation of a green belt.


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.         That the Strategic Issues & Priorities Document, as attached at Appendix 1, and publication and eight week public consultation  under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be approved.


2.        That authority be delegatedto theStrategicPlanning Manager, inconsultation withthe Cabinet Member forBuiltEnvironment & Well Being, to undertake updating, drafting of any amendments and the visualization of the Strategic Issues & Priorities document required priorto publication and consultation on the document.


3.        That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment & Wellbeing, to amend the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to include consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities document.  

Supporting documents:


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