Scrutiny Report Reference SC037
Cabinet Report Reference CAB3283
Scrutiny report reference SC037
Cabinet report reference CAB3283
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Finance and Risk introduced the report which was being presented to Cabinet on the 11 February 2021. The report (SC037) invited the committee to comment on the proposals within the cabinet report, ref CAB3283. CAB3283 set out the council's capital spending programme and the principles which underpin this to deliver the desired priorities as set out in the council plan. It detailed the overall programme for the next 10 years, how this would be financed, and the impact of the programme on the council’s medium term financial strategy.
The committee asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers, the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet member for Housing and Asset Management accordingly and these comments were noted by the cabinet members present at the meeting.
The committee agreed that there were no particular matters that it wished to raise for Cabinet to consider further.
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