Agenda item

Core Funding Grants Programme 2022-2025 (HEP011)


Councillor Clear introduced the report.  In summary, the committee were advised that the current 3 year funding cycle was ending March 2022.  There were currently 15 organisations in receipt of core funding and the council was in a position where it had to consider a 20 per cent reduction to funds available as part of the council’s overall balancing of its budget. 


Members asked a range of questions which were responded to by the Strategic Director and the Corporate Head of Economy & Community as summarised below.   Officers acknowledged the fundamental support during the Covid-19 pandemic of its strategic partners, alongside those of priority outcome organisations.


·         There was not an ‘open competition’ to become a new strategic partner, however any organisation who believed that they might fit the existing criteria requirements were able to contact the council.


·         ‘Relationship Manager’ arrangements were in place and any impact on organisations from reduced funding was able to be discussed.  It was acknowledged that the percentage ‘hit’ on priority outcome grants was potentially greater than for strategic partners. 


·         The committee acknowledged the council’s existing budget shortfall of approximately £2.4 million and requested clarification how Cabinet had determined prioritisation of savings, as the impact of the work of partner organisations across the district were significant in terms of delivering valuable, key services that the council was unable to deliver itself in isolation. 


·         The committee requested that there should be a caveat on the level of grant awarded and that this would be reviewed in 1 year when the Council’s budget position may be clearer. 


·         The committee noted that data sets were provided by organisations to help the council benchmark its priority areas for funding and requested these be reviewed and in particular it was considered as important to provide mental health services for young males as it is females.


At conclusion of debate, Councillor Clear thanked the committee for its comments on the report and advised that she would would work with cabinet colleagues to help support and maintain an acceptable level of budget for strategic and priority grant funding going forward. 





That the committee:


1.    notes the achievements and successes of the current Strategic Fund and Priority Outcomes Fund and timescales for the next funding round.


2.    provides the following comments on the proposals outlined in the report:


·      In acknowledging the valuable work of both strategic and priority outcome organisations in supporting communities, cabinet member carefully reconsider prioritisation of budget cuts to help address the overall shortfall


·         welcome assurances that while the council might agree a 3 year funding package, if the council’s budget position  changed then this current position could be reviewed


·         regard be had to the relative impact of the reduced grant available to priority outcome organisations and the level of service able to be provided


·         the council explore all opportunities for potential government funding that may become available as the country recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic 


·         the council explore potentially establishing a charitable trust for grant funds which was able to receive donations


Supporting documents:


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