Agenda item

To receive petitions



a)            In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, a petition was submitted by ‘A Lido for Winchester’ containing 2716 signatures. 


“We the undersigned petition the council to support the creation of a lido as part of either the North Walls Park Improvement or the redevelopment of the old leisure centre


Winchester has a long history of outdoor swimming which has been lost over the years with the closure of the Lido on Worthy Road and the river swimming pool in the water meadows. We would like the council to support its revival!

We would like the council to consider installing a lido as part of either the North Walls Park Improvement or the Redevelopment of the old leisure centre.


Lockdown has created a resurgence in outdoor sports and there is a great demand for outdoor swimming. The Walking Survey on North Walls Park in December 2020 suggested the possibility of a lido, and the North Walls Consultation Feedback in 2019 showed the strongest support (over 70%) for outdoor swimming.


There are many reasons why having a lido in Winchester would be great for our city.


Firstly, swimming outside is a lot of fun and a lido would be a draw for people to come to Winchester.


Secondly, outdoor swimming has been shown to have many positive benefits for physical and mental health and wellbeing - particularly important given the social impact of COVID.


Thirdly, outdoor swimming is good for increasing rates of physical activity in the community. A report carried out by the Outdoor Swimmer Magazine in 2020 found it attracts more women than men - the number of women swimming outdoors rose from 50% in 2017 to 65% in 2020. This is important as women overall are less likely to engage in sport. It would also provide a venue for young people to exercise and socialise.


Fourthly, swimming outdoors runs a lower risk of COVID transmission than swimming inside.


The River Park, due to its proximity to town and residential areas would be a perfect place for the Lido. A lido could be created inexpensively with simple outdoor shelters and changing facilities as they have done in places such as Abbey Meadows Lido in Abingdon or Petersfield. It could also house the cafe that is called for in the consultations.”






b)           In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, a petition was submitted on behalf of Highcliffe Forum containing 350 signatures. 


“We the undersigned request that the Council carries out an adequately funded and inclusive community engagement exercise to determine the potential of the Bar End depot site to provide facilities for the local community.


This should be carried out before any further action is taken on selling the site. It should include discussion around the provision of a food store, housing and other community facilities, including activities and amenities identified in the Highcliffe Community Plan. Residents in Highcliffe, Bar End, Chilcomb Lane, St Giles Hill and the Wharf Hill areas should all be involved. It should identify any gaps in local needs and aspirations, as well as any kind of development that would be unacceptable.


The Council should honour the results, as an exciting opportunity to put into practice the vision for local communities in the town wards as identified in the Winchester Vision 2020-2030, adopted by the Winchester Town Forum in January 2021.”


(a)         In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, a petition was submitted by Ms Lucy Taylor regarding ‘a lido for Winchester’.  The details of the petition are set out on the agenda.


Ms Taylor introduced her petition and in summary, raised the following matters:


·         The petition had been extremely well supported and recommended that there should be a new lido for Winchester. That the lido would be best sited at the former River Park Leisure Centre as it would then be integrated with other existing leisure and recreational activities and also as the land here belonged to the people of Winchester for the purpose of public recreation.


·         Lidos provided benefits both to economic recovery and public health and helped support community cohesion for people of all ages. Outdoor swimming was particularly popular with woman and a lido therefore would help boost female participation in sport. A lido would also help ensure that Winchester continued to be a destination. 


The Leader responded to the matters in the petition and in Ms Taylor’s presentation and in summary, raised the following points:


·         Would welcome exploring ideas to expand existing opportunities for open water swimming in and around the district.


·         North Walls park and the old River Park Leisure Centre were located on a flood plain and therefore were unsuitable locations for a lido. 


·         The Town Forum had included plans to improve facilities for open air swimming as part of the North Walls park improvement plans.


·         The council needed to provide for all types of sporting facilities across the whole district. Having invested significantly in the Sports and Leisure Park at Bar End, the council was not in a position to invest further in new facilities in Winchester.


·         Petitioners could raise their own funds and find a site for a lido.  The council would willingly engage with the petitioners, but would be unable to support with any funding.



Council then proceeded to debate the petition and matters therein and in summary, the following matters were raised:


·         The number of signatures achieved by the petitioners demonstrated that there was a desire for different types of swimming. 


·         The Town Forum had recently established an outdoor swimming group to look at opportunities for all types of outdoor swimming in Winchester. There was a commitment for the provision of ‘water play’ facilities as part of the North Walls park improvements.


·         Informal or formalised outdoor swimming in local rivers may impact on wildlife and biodiversity.


·         Proposals from the University of Southampton would create opportunities to support other cultural and leisure activities in the area.  The Winchester town area has a high level capacity per head for swimming and the council must consider supporting the needs of other sports, arts and leisure groups.


·         Campaigning to improve the water quality of rivers was an important priority.


·         Lido build costs were estimated to be £8– 10 million and then required extra sources of income or subsidy to cover running costs.  Not all existing lidos in the country were run as affordable, community facilities.


·         Opportunities for outdoor swimming should be explored and the work of the Town Forum was welcomed along with discussions with interested groups and key stakeholders.


At conclusion of debate, the Leader once again thanked Ms Taylor for bringing the matter forward and the meeting was agreement that there should be ongoing discussion regarding facilities for open air swimming across the district and that the petition and matters therein should be forwarded to the Town Forum outdoor swimming group to consider further.      




That the petitioner be thanked for bringing the matter forward and that the petition and matters therein be forwarded to the Town Forum outdoor swimming group to consider further.      



(b)         In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, a petition was submitted by Ms Janet Berry on behalf of Highcliffe Forum.  The details of the petition are set out on the agenda.


Ms Berry introduced her petition and in summary, raised the following matters:


·         The petition was presented on behalf of the communities of Highcliffe, St Giles Hill and Bar End.  There should be a properly funded and fully inclusive public consultation exercise before any proposals for the disposal of the former depot site were taken forward.


·         The area had limited public transport and essential services and community amenities. Social sustainability was important for the area and the most recent community engagement exercise regarding its future had been in 2002.  The more recent Bar End Design Framework work had not related specifically to the depot site.  


·         There should be a commitment to honour the outcome of a neighbourhood engagement exercise, which would help to develop the community’s future. All viable options for the site should be considered that would best serve the needs of the community.


Councillor Cutler (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Service Quality) responded to the matters in the petition and in Ms Berry’s presentation and in summary, raised the following points:


·         The depot site was relatively small and a capital receipt for the site remained desirable due to the council’s financial position.  It was unlikely that all of the local community’s aspirations could achieved by redevelopment of the site.  


Council then proceeded to debate the petition and matters therein and in summary, the following matters were raised:


·         Redevelopment of the depot site was an opportunity to re-engage with local residents regarding their aspirations for their community.


·         Previous ideas from the community had been for a small supermarket, green space, a community hall and a safe route through to the Sports and Leisure Park.


·         The Bar End Design Framework had been an important piece of work regarding the future of the site as had considered building height and buffers. 


·         Several development proposals had already been suggested had been commercially viable.  It was unlikely that any single proposal would meet all of the community’s aspirations.  


·         A new food store and a route to the Sports and Leisure Park were likely to be achievable and the Councillor Learney (Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management) undertook to commit to engage with the local community before any disposal and redevelopment of the site.


At conclusion of debate, Councillor Cutler thanked Ms Berry for bringing the matter forward and reiterated the commitment to undertake further public engagement in the local area before disposal and redevelopment of the site.




That the petitioner be thanked for bringing the matter forward and that Council note the commitment of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management to consult and engage with the local communities of Highcliffe, St Giles Hill and Bar End before any disposal and redevelopment of the former council depot site


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