(Approximately 30 minutes scheduled for this item)
Lisa Cook, Local Bus Manager, Hampshire County Council (HCC) updated the forum regarding the bus service in North Whiteley. She advised members of the service enhancements planned for the number 28 service due in Autumn 2021 and of wider developments as part of the recently launched national bus strategy.
Members asked several questions and made comments regarding the hours of operation, the role of the travel coordinator, bus provision for secondary school children living in the North Whiteley development, the proposed route and whether the commencement of the enhanced service could be aligned to the opening of Cornerstones Primary School.
These points were responded to by Lisa Cook and Martin Goff (Head of Transport and Admissions, Hampshire County Council). Lisa Cook also advised that she would confirm the commencement date for the enhanced service and would also provide the proposed route map.
The forum was then addressed by the following speakers:
Jeff Davis, Tetra Tech
Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council
Mr Davis shared the latest drone footage of the development which
had been recorded in May 2021 and was available on the council’s website here. He also provided the forum with a detailed update and presentation concerning a range of issues, the slides of which were also available on the council's website here. Items discussed included progress with: Bluebell Way, Whiteley Way North, Whitley Way South, Cornerstone Primary School, Botley Road cycleway and open space provision.
The Forum received and noted the report of the Implementation Officer which provided an update on progress on several issues. These included several matters from the previous meeting relating to generator noise, the footpath joining the existing Whiteley development to the Primary School, the vegetation on Bluebell Way, the status of housing applications, the progress of allotments 1 and 3, the temporary community centre, the telecoms mast application, and the travel welcome pack.
Regarding the earlier question from Whiteley Town Councillor, Hazel Croft Phillips concerning bio-diversity issues, Ms Oliver referred members to appendix 3 of her report which contained further information on progress with on-site bio-diversity measures. Mr Davis also agreed to provide an addendum to his report regarding progress on these matters and following further questions agreed to discuss these matters with individual developers and report back.
Members asked several questions and made comments regarding; the height of the proposed telecommunications mast, the reusing of displaced topsoil, the availability of school spaces for children moving into the development area and the progress of affordable housing matched against demand.
Mr Clarke, Primary School Headteacher responded to questions regarding the availability of school places and updated the forum on the ongoing dialogue with Hampshire County Council. Ms Oliver advised that she would circulate the planning application reference number regarding the Telecommunications mast and the numbers of affordable housing units delivered as part of the S106 agreement and any provided outside of that agreement.
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