Agenda item

Updates on the physical development of the MDA. (Updates may include Hampshire County Council, VIVID, CALA and the WCC Implementation Officer)


Mrs Pinnock explained that the implementation officer, Mr Hughes was not available to provide an update to this Forum meeting due to illness.  However, CALA Homes had provided a response to issues raised by KBRA as referred to under item 7 above. 


Mr Hill and Mr Curry from CALA homes were in attendance at the Forum meeting and provided responses to the points made in public participation, including the additional questions raised by Ms Zucca (KBRA).  They also responded to questions from Forum Members.  Summary of responses below:

·         An urban wildlife strategy was being developed for all new sites, which would include provision of swift boxes, bat boxes and “hedgehog highways”.  CALA would seek to achieve one swift box per dwelling (noting that some buildings might not be suitable so additional would be provided on other houses).

·         Mr Curry provided a further update on investigations to address the ongoing issue of sewage smells.  It was reported that a similar issue was occurring in Park Road and those residents should report the issue to Southern Water directly.   It was noted that the Council was aware of a similar problems elsewhere in the District and might be able to provide assistance.

·         With regard to comments regarding the condition of the highways and roads which was non- standard high quality, Mr Curry explained the complexities of the issues involved and confirmed that CALA homes were working with the County Council to resolve as soon as possible.   It was not possible at this stage to give specific dates for the situation to be resolved (he estimated within 18 months) but constant monitoring of the roads was undertaken to ensure they remained safe.

·         Shared surface signs have been provided.

·         Noted the frustrations of residents with regard to the delays over the provision of street furniture and agreed to put further pressure on suppliers to speed up delivery.

·         The feasibility of the proposal of an informal route to the ridge line would need to be examined.

·         With regard to occupation trigger points, Mr Hill suggested that details of the s106 requirements could be shared at the next Forum meeting to provide clarification – meeting S106 occupation trigger points

·         CALA homes had no planning obligation to provide EV charge points and it would be too expensive and not an easy thing to do to introduce retrospectively on completed phases.  The suggestion that the possibility of situating within the new sites, but close to the edges of existing developments, was noted.

·         Welcomed the suggestion that CALA homes consider any specific ways in which the City Council could work in partnership to assist in progressing elements of the scheme that were currently subject to delays by other parties.  Noting some genuine challenges over the last 18 months.

·         Responded to detailed questions about the path to connect Wellhouse Lane to the ridgeline and estimated work would commence in the autumn and take about three months.

·         Agreed to discuss further outside of the meeting the proposals regarding the provision of a footpath from Andover Road to the school as a joint project between the Council and CALA homes.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Nicola Wells (head teacher of Kings Barton Farm academy) who requested that CALA homes assist with the siting of signage for the new school.  If a suitable sign could be provided, Mr Curry agreed to assist further outside of the meeting.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Mark Gittos (VIVID) who stated that the housing association’s footprint was now fully occupied comprising of a mix of tenures.  VIVID were working with the Council’s implementation officer, residents’ associations and the community towards an integrated community development approach.  He provided the following general responses to Members’ questions and advised that he would ask Emma Bartlett (VIVID neighbourhood officer) to respond in detail outside of the meeting:

·         The neighbourhood officer was liaising with Councillor Iredale (Headbourne Worthy Parish Council) to address the issue of communal bin storage being difficult to access.

·         Provided information regarding the general support provided to their social housing tenants, for example to tackle social isolation over the course of the pandemic.


The Chair thanked everyone attending for their contributions.



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