1) That the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 2021, attached at Appendix 1 to report CAB3316 and the Register of ‘Green Sites’, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved and they are both published as part of the evidence base for the new Local Plan; and
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Planning Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment, to make any necessary edits and minor alterations prior to the publication of the SHELAA 2021 and the Green sites register.
(CAB3316 and supplement) |
Councillor Cutler declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of this item and left the room during its consideration and took no part in the debate or decision.
Cabinet noted that a supplementary agenda published after the statutory deadline containing a section of the SHELAA that had been initially omitted due to an administrative error and also a note listing settlements against page numbers on the cabinet agenda. The Leader agreed to accept the item onto the agenda to enable consideration of the SHELAA in full.
Councillor Gordon-Smith introduced the report and explained that the SHELAA was a complete list of possible sites submitted by landowners and agents and no sifting had been carried out as to site suitability at this stage.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Cook and Horrill addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.
Councillor Cook
As a ward councillor for Colden Common and Twyford, emphasised that the purpose of the SHELAA was largely misunderstood and caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents. Consequentially, effective and timely communication with residents was paramount. Expressed concern that the duty to cooperate with neighbouring authorities could result in increased pressure to provide more homes within the Winchester district.
Councillor Horrill
Expressed concern about the ongoing discussions with the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) and the commitment made to develop joint strategies with them. Queried when residents would be given the opportunity to comment on these discussions. Asked a number of specific questions and points of clarification on the content of the SHELAA.
The Strategic Planning Manager answered the specific queries raised and confirmed that at its meeting on 24 November 2021, the Local Plan Advisory Panel had been updated on the latest position regarding PfSH that was in the public domain.
In response to questions from Cabinet Members, the Strategic Planning Manager confirmed that all city councillors, as well as parish councils would be included in the consultation on the SHELAA.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 2021, attached at Appendix 1 to the report and the Register of ‘Green Sites’, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved and they are both published as part of the evidence base for the new Local Plan; and
2. That authority be delegated to the Strategic Planning Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment, to make any necessary edits and minor alterations prior to the publication of the SHELAA 2021 and the Green sites register.
Supporting documents: