Agenda item

Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre - Procurement of a Centre Operator (less exempt appendices)


Councillor Griffiths introduced the report and set out that the procurement process be adjusted to that previously agreed in November 2017 to allow the Council some scope for negotiations once the tenders were received (should they require it).  The specifications for the management contract were contained within exempt appendix 1.


Emma Back of Winchester SALT spoke during the public participation period in relation to this item as summarised below

·         that the Council did not understand or listen to the community sport sector and was not addressing their requirements. 

Cabinet Members highlighted that a great deal of engagement had taken place both over recent months and in recent years as the proposals were developed.  This had included meetings with Winchester SALT and other representatives of local sports and community clubs.  The Council would meet the requirements of clubs as far as possible now and into the future.   The general commitment of volunteers involved in all local clubs and their value to the local society was also acknowledged.


Councillor Griffiths emphasised that the procurement process to be adopted would allow consideration of community access and the possibility of offering discounted use for local community groups.  The Head of Programme confirmed that tenderers would be expected to work collaboratively with local clubs and the contract specification required that priority must be given to clubs with a membership from within the district.


Members confirmed that they had had regard to the contents of the exempt appendices in reaching the decision set out below.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the Report.




1.         That the principles of the procurement with the proposed inclusion of a negotiation element be approved and the commencement of the procurement process for an Operator to manage the new Sport and Leisure Centre be authorised.


2.         That the contract term be a period of 15 years with an option to extend for a period or a further  5 years at the Council’s sole discretion but in line with the performance management requirements.


3.         That the Services Specification be approved and authority be delegated to the Head of Programme in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to make any required further minor amendments and any such further changes to the Specification as may reasonably deemed necessary in the event of the Council exercising it rights to negotiate on the tenders received.


4.         That delegation be given to the Head of Programme in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to complete the required tendering documentation including the draft contract.


5.         That Meadowside Leisure Centre shall not be included in the contract for the operator of the new Sport and Leisure Centre.


6.         That it be agreed that all weather football pitch and tennis courts at North Walls Recreation Ground are not included as part of the new operator contract.


7.         That the evaluation weighting of a 60% overall score for commercial aspects and 40% for quality aspects and the evaluation criteria and weightings as outlined in this report be approved.


8.         That the use of Hampshire County Council’s electronic procurement portal for the procurement be authorised.


9.         That the Head of Programme, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, be authorised to publish a notice in OJEU via Hampshire County Council’s electronic procurement portal seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced organisations.


10.       That the Evaluation Panel be authorised, with advice from the Joint Advisory Board, to undertake the selection process and gives delegated authority to the Head of Programme as the lead officer of the Evaluation Panel to recommend an Operator in accordance with the procurement process and associated evaluation criteria. Such recommendation to be brought back to a future meeting of the Cabinet (Leisure Centre ) Committee for a formal decision with regard to the award of the contract.


Supporting documents:


m - Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre - Procurement of a Centre Operator (less exempt appendices){sidenav}{content}