(Report Ref: BHP39)
1. That the Policy Committee members note general comments in the body of the report, but to provide particular comment on the proposed and emerging priorities for the Housing Strategy 2023-2028;
· Access to decent homes for all, across all of the tenures
· Responding to the housing need of an ageing and growing population
· Access to a mixed tenure affordable family accommodation
· Access to affordable energy efficient accommodation
· Responding to the Social Housing White paper
· Commitment to supporting persons seeking sanctuary in the district of Winchester
Councillor Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing introduced the report, ref BHP39 (available here) which set out proposals for preparation of the Emerging Housing Strategy, Councillor Ferguson advised that the proposals were being brought to the committee at an early stage so that the committee’s comments could be fully considered as the strategy was prepared.
The committee was recommended to:
Provide comment on the proposed and emerging priorities for the Housing Strategy 2023-2028.
1. Access to decent homes for all, across all of the tenures.
2. Responding to the housing need of an ageing and growing population.
3. Access to mixed tenure affordable family accommodation.
4. Access to affordable energy-efficient accommodation.
5. Responding to the Social Housing White paper.
6. Commitment to supporting persons seeking sanctuary in the Winchester District.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised.
These points were responded to by Councillor Paula Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing, Gillian Knight, Corporate Head of Housing and Karen Thorburn, Service Lead - Strategic Housing accordingly and were noted by Councillor Ferguson and officers.
1. That the cabinet member and officers note the comments of the committee.
Supporting documents: