Agenda item

Update on the physical development of the MDA.

(Approximately 30 minutes scheduled for this item)


Verbal Update from Tetra Tech and Winchester City Council (Ref Report NWDF16 and Appendices attached)


Jeff Davis of Tetra Tech provided the forum with a presentation and also shared the latest drone footage of the development which had been recorded in October 2021 and was available on the council’s website here. The presentation covered a range of issues which included the following: progress on Bluebell Way, progress on Station Hill to Whiteley Way/ Curbridge Way to Whiteley Way, off-site Whiteley Way progress, an update on housing delivery, the delivery of open space and an ecology/environment delivery update.


Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council addressed the forum and referred members to the report, ref NWDF16, available on the council's website here.  The Implementation Officer provided an update on progress on several issues which included matters from the previous meeting relating to the number of market homes sold/under negotiation, the telecoms mast, the S106 obligations list (as shown in appendix 1 of the report), Botley Way cycleway, overall housing delivery, the primary school, allotment provision, the temporary community centre, play areas and a bus provision update.


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding; the use of photovoltaic panels on house roofs, whether there were adequate means for wildlife to safely move from one section of woodland to another, measures to stop the decline in numbers of Swifts, commencement/completion of works on R1A, the use of temporary traffic lights on R1A, the siting of bus stops at either the surgery and/or community hospital and the ownership and management of bus shelters.


These points were responded to by Jeff Davis and Hilary Oliver who agreed to provide further information on the number of housing units being fitted with photovoltaic technology, the siting of bus stops and the use of Swift boxes.




1.    that the report be noted


2.    that officers consider the comments of the forum

Supporting documents:


m - Update on the physical development of the MDA.{sidenav}{content}