Agenda item

Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the Major Development Area (MDA)

(Approximately 30 minutes scheduled for this item)


Governance Review Advisory Group


The attached draft terms of reference are put to the North Whiteley Development Forum for comment and agreement and are largely self-explanatory.  Officers from the City Council will be available at the meeting to assist with any questions and clarify any matters.



Lisa Kirkman, Strategic Director, Winchester City Council introduced the item and updated the forum regarding the purpose, process and city council team who would manage the Community Governance Review (CGR). The forum was referred to the report within the agenda pack which gave details of the proposal to establish a ‘North Whiteley Community Governance Review Advisory Group’, its Terms of Reference and composition.


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding; whether a  member would be able to attend the advisory board should the Mayor (who is one of the ward members) be unable to attend, the lessons learnt from previous reviews, the benefits of meeting in-person Vs meeting virtually, the likely options to be consulted on, the consultation phases and options, whether this forum could undertake the functions of the proposed advisory board and the role of the city council’s Licensing & Regulation Committee.


These points were responded to by the Strategic Director.    




1.    that the draft Terms of Reference be noted


2.    that officers consider the comments of the forum



Supporting documents:


m - Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the Major Development Area (MDA){sidenav}{content}