Agenda item

Future of Waste and Recycling (HEP020 and Presentation)


Sarah White spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.


Sarah White

Welcomed the contents of the report and presentation and the opportunity to see further improvements to door step recycling and standardisation and consistency in practices around the country in relation to waste and recycling collections. She queried the timescales to achieve the aims and aspirations referenced within the presentation and the various other recycling facilities available for materials such as hard and soft plastics, which were limited and in short supply. She suggested working with supermarkets to encourage them to provide recycling bins for plastics in areas north and south of Winchester, the promotion of recycling for charities, and also utilising car park areas to install an increased number of recycling bins to enhance recycling ability and options ahead of the Environmental Bill.


The Chairperson thanked Mrs White for her comments which were addressed during the discussion of the report thereon.


Councillor Tod introduced the report which set out the progression towards reducing carbon emissions for energy and the challenges in achieving the council’s carbon neutrality ambitions. He made reference to the background and direction of travel that the council were adopting in respect of how the waste management system would achieve and respond to the Environment Bill to deliver significant performance improvements. 


The Service Lead: Environmental Services gave a presentation setting out the current position, the changes being introduced to waste and recycling for Hampshire, its impact on the Winchester and the next steps going forward at this early stage. 


The committee asked a range of questions which were responded to by the Cabinet Member, Service Lead: Environmental Services and other relevant officers present. The questions asked included topics as summarised below.


·         Ability to achieve and improve recycling rates

·         Working with partners to encourage recycling provision at supermarkets, increase recycling bin provision for plastics and other materials

·         Producer responsibility for packaging waste.

·         Short term solutions such as the formation of a communications network to engage and encourage residents in recycling opportunities for household waste

·         Reducing carbon and increasing energy generation

·         Financial risks of the strategy


At conclusion of debate, the Chairperson thanked everyone present and summarised the following points as the outcome on behalf of the committee:


(i)          That the direction of travel of the strategy be supported

(ii)        The need to ensure that the carbon impact of future decisions and   actions be considered.

(iii)      The need to work with the partnership to develop actions as soon as           practical to ensure readiness to respond to the Government’s   requirements.


(iv)      That the interim measures required i.e. between now and the            Government’s new arrangements coming into force need to be carefully considered. Possible actions included: the consideration of food waste collection, a communications strategy to encourage more       recycling, reduction and reuse of waste materials which could be     formulated and promoted across the partnership. Including support and          encouragement of private and commercial recycling companies and          trade waste operators.


(v)        The need to actively engage and work in partnership with businesses         and voluntary groups across the district in order to help people    increase recycling effectively as part of the communications strategy,         and for this work to start now in advance of the changes coming into            force.





                        1.         That the report and presentation be received; and


                        2.         That the comments of the committee, as set out in (i) to                      (v) above, be noted by Cabinet.


Supporting documents:


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